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Грантова програма на підтримку розвитку громадянського суспільства

Програма Матра (трансформації суспільства), започаткована Міністерством закордонних справ Нідерландів в 1994 році, спрямована на підтримку перехідних процесів. Програма відкрита для подання заявок від організацій громадянського суспільства, зареєстрованих в Україні. Дедлайн - 1 жовтня 2020 р. (далі - англ.).

General information

The MATRA Programme for social transformation has been running in Ukraine since 1993.  MATRA started as a programme aimed at helping East European countries to become democratic, pluriform constitutional states with a strong civil society.  Today, the MATRA Programme still continues to help strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy and the rule of law in Ukraine.

Priority areas

In 2021, the call for concept notes will target Chernihiv, Sumy and Kharkiv oblasts of Ukraine focusing mainly on strengthening civil society, with a special focus on youth participation, in the areas of democracy, the rule of law and reforms in order to contribute to social transformation, more sustainable relationship between government and citizens, improved rule of law and increased security, namely:

1.    Enhancing the position of civil society organisations;

2.    Strengthening the rule of law with the focus on fighting corruption;

3.    Supporting the government to improve key reforms (incl. the land reform);

4.    Developing civic education and youth participation programmes;

5.    Contributing to security and stability in the regions.

Requirements to applicant CSOs:

•      The applicant organisation should be a well-known and respected regional / local CSO or a think tank that is aware of the needs in the respective regions and is capable of responding to these needs.  Coalition with centrally based CSOs / think tanks is possible;

•      Be strictly independent and non-partisan;

•      Have strong financial and organizational capacity;

•      Have experience / understanding in running programmes that involve re-granting;

•      Be able to reach communities;

•      Have an innovative communication outreach strategy.

The implementing CSOs responsibilities are as follows:

•      Take full responsibility for the project implementation taking into account the specific needs of the regions and the topics mentioned above;

•      Organise, if necessary, calls for proposals and propose adequate application forms, procedures and support which will cater to different needs;

•      Ensure transparent assessment processes for grants through the establishing of a Selection Committee;

•      Ensure efficient management, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting procedures;

•      Provide on‐going outreach work and support to projects throughout the project cycle;

•      Ensure the multiplication effect of the outcome;

•      When and if necessary, establish partnerships with other (local/national) CSOs, think tanks and academic institutions, local governments, national government agencies etc. to facilitate the project’s implementation;

•      Implement information and communication activities related to supported re-granting activities and the project in general.

The following activities are eligible for support:

•      Advocacy, watchdog and monitoring activities;

•      Awareness‐raising activities;

•      Capacity‐building and organizational support to CSOs;

•      Network and coalition building;

•      Mutual learning and information dissemination;

•      Education and training activities;

•      Promotion of volunteerism, empowerment and participation of target groups.

Final provisions:

·       The maximum project budget is 150.000 EUR (hryvnya equivalent).  The budget may comprise management costs, including administrative costs and services, as well as the re-granting fund, which are the funds given directly to sub-grantees; 

·       The maximum project duration is 24 months;

·       The concept note should be presented in English using the application form attached to this announcement (please follow the link;

·       A soft copy of the concept note should be submitted before 1 October 2020 at the following address:  [email protected];

·       The selection of the projects will take place by 1 November 2020.  All applicants will be informed in writing of the results by 1 December 2020;


·       All questions related to this call for concept notes should be forwarded to: [email protected].



Олександр Малицький   1515 днів тому   #  

Миколаївщина є прикордонною областю зі специфічними проблемами, які відповідають пропонованим напрямкам проекту. Чи можуть брати участь у конкурсі НУО Миколаївщини з багаторічним успішним досвідом?
З повагою, Олександр, +380935549446, +380991504964

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