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Грант від Міжнародного фонду культурного різноманіття (IFCD)

Міжнародний фонд культурного різноманіття (IFCD) оголошує конкурс на фінансування проектів. Фонд заохочує проекти, що підтримується культурне багатомаїття. Мета грантової підтримки – сприяння сталому розвитку та зниженню рівня бідності у країнах, що розвиваються. IFCD інвестує в проекти, які ведуть до структурних змін через зміцнення інфраструктури, підтримують регіональні культурні індустрії та ринки у країнах, що розвиваються. Максимальна сума гранту - 100 000 доларів США. Заявки приймаються англійською та французькою мовами. Дедлайн – 16 квітня 2018 року (далі - англ.)

Більше грантів у розділі Гранти

The IFCD invests in projects that lead to structural change through:

  • the introduction and/or elaboration of policies and strategies that have a direct effect on the creation, production, distribution of and access to a diversity of cultural expressions, including cultural goods, services and activities,
  • the reinforcement of corresponding institutional infrastructures1 , including professional capacities and organizational structures, deemed necessary to support viable local and regional cultural industries and markets in developing countries.

Grant Information

The maximum amount that can be requested is 100,000 USD.

Areas of Intervention

The IFCD finances projects that:

  • Pursue cross-sectoral cooperation in cultural policy making and/or implementation;
  • Strengthen processes and mechanisms for public policy-making and implementation;
  • Support the engagement of NGOs or civil society organizations in policy making and/or implementation;
  • Improve access to markets for cultural goods and services through the introduction of policy, advocacy and promotional mechanisms;
  • Support or facilitate the mobility of artists and cultural professionals from the global South;
  • Support or facilitate the development of innovative models and/or digital solutions for the creation, production, distribution and access to diverse cultural goods and services;
  • Address the identification of capacity gaps or support capacity building activities;
  • Widen participation in the creation, production and distribution of cultural goods and services to previously excluded regions and social groups;
  • Increase women’s representation as creators and producers of cultural expressions through professional networks and capacity development;
  • Facilitate policy measures or funding mechanisms to encourage and improve equitable access to cultural events, goods and services.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Public authorities and institutions from eligible countries (developing countries Parties to the 2005 Convention).
  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from eligible countries (developing countries Parties to the 2005 Convention): Non-governmental organizations that, according to their national regulations, are non-governmental and non-profit and that meet the definition of civil society mentioned in the Operational Guidelines.
  • International non-governmental organizations (INGOs) registered in countries Parties to the 2005 Convention: International non-governmental organizations (INGOs), which meet the definition of civil society mentioned in the Operational Guidelines; and which present projects that have an impact in developing countries at the sub-regional, regional or inter-regional level.
  • In accordance with the Operational Guidelines on the Use of the Resources of the IFCD, which were approved by the Conference of Parties in June 2013, National Commissions and any other organizations participating in the pre-selection or approval of projects submitted to the UNESCO Secretariat are not eligible for IFCD funding.

How to apply

Prepare the Application form:

  • Download and review the Call for funding;
  • Download and review the Annotated Guide;
  • Download, save on your computer and complete the Project Framework (including the project objectives, budget, outputs/deliverables and list of team members). The Project Framework should be opened and completed in Microsoft Excel or similar applications;
  • Gather digital copies for all Complementary Documents that are required for your application.

Complete the Application form: All the project proposals must be submitted through the online Application Form.

  • Create your account 
  • Log in and complete all the fields in the online Application Form. During this process, you can save your application and come back later, using your login and password;
  • Upload the Project Framework and Complementary Documents in the dedicated fields 5
  • Before finalizing your application, ensure that all fields have been completed and accept the Terms and Conditions
  • Date, sign and click on the ‘SUBMIT’ button to finalize your application. Please note that the application and its complementary documents must be submitted in English or French. 

For more information, download document:

More details:



  • International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD)
  • [email protected]


Котенко Тетяна   2336 днів тому   #  

Ми ГО, яка займається збереження культуної спадщини в регіоні, а саме храму. Чи можемо ми подати заявку на конкурс?

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Тягло Катерина    2335 днів тому   #  

Добрий день. Зверніться, будь ласка, з цим питанням до організаторів: [email protected]
З повагою, команда ГУРТа

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