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Гранти в рамках транскордонного співробітництва Європейського інструменту сусідства

Продовжено набір заявок в рамках Програми прикордонного співробітництва Європейського інструменту сусідства «Угорщина-Словаччина-Румунія-Україна 2014-2020». Загальний бюджет набору - 22 млн. євро, а сума гранту для проекту повинна знаходитися в межах від 50 000 до 1 500 000 євро в залежності від пріоритету. Дедлайн - 27 жовтня 2017 року (далі - англ.).

Більше грантів у розділі Гранти.

The second open Call for Proposals of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 has been launched on 17 May 2017 by the Hungarian Prime Minister’s Office acting as the Managing Authority (MA) of the Programme, the Slovak Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Romanian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine acting as the National Authorities (NAs) of the Programme.

  • Duration of the call 17 May 2017 - 27 October 2017
  • The indicative budget of this callEUR 22,000,000

The indicative allocation of the second Call for Proposals is EUR 22 million, available for all six priorities of the Programme.

The second Call for Proposals is opened for regular projects, defined as either infrastructure, soft with an infrastructure component (in both cases the budget share for the acquisition of infrastructure is below 2,5 million EUR) or soft project, within the minimum and maximum grant size.

The second Call for Proposals is opened until 27 October 2017 (1st corrigendum) at 12:00 PM CET, which is the deadline for submission of the project proposals to the one-round Call.

For a detailed description of the Call for Proposals, including eligible area, eligibility and submission rules, furthermore information on the selection process, please consult the Guidelines for Applicants. The Application Package, with the Grant Application Form and all other relevant application documents are available under the link below.

The language of the second Call for Proposals is English, being the official working language of the Programme.

Corrigendum №1 

1. The availability and full functionality of the IMIS Application Module will be made public to the potential applicants’ side as early as the middle of September and the Programme should allow at least one month time for potential applicants to get familiar with the online system and start uploading their project applications therefore the deadline for the online submission of applications is 27th of October 2017, 12:00 CET.

2. In line with the modification of the deadline for submission and in the same time to ensure better coherence between the eligibility criteria of having potential applicants in operation of at least two years a clarification has been introduced.

3.    In order to correct a material error and to ensure better flexibility and limit the risks of automatic rejections of applications due to human errors while using the online module IMIS, the completion opportunity is introduced for documents that do not affect the content of the application.

For speficific modifications of the Guidelines for Applicants please check the 1st corrigendum in downloadable documents.

guidelines-for-applicants2nd-callfinal-ua.pdf (1.24MB)


  • Програма прикордонного співробітництва Європейського інструменту
  • [email protected]


Ганна Давиденко   2500 днів тому   #  

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