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Вакансія виконавчого директора


Amnesty International is a worldwide movement of volunteers and professionals standing up for human rights. Independent of any government, ideology, economic interest or religion, we have more than two million supporters in over 150 countries. Our purpose is to research, campaign and take action to effect change and protect individuals wherever justice, fairness, freedom and truth are denied.

As the director you will lead the process of developing a longer term strategy for Amnesty International’s presence in Ukraine. You will act as key spokesperson and representative of Amnesty International with local government, media and other authorities, manage the overall operations, campaign activities and resources of the Ukrainian structure, and provide leadership to Amnesty International’s constituents in Ukraine.

The successful candidate will be highly motivated to promote human rights and bring vast experience of organizational development and change management to the post. You will have wide knowledge of human rights issues and the Ukrainian social and political context, and the ability to provide leadership across a diverse and complex organization. Professionalism and impartiality are essentials.

For further information about this and our other current vacancies please visit our website or contact us at [email protected].

Closing date: 24 November 2010.
Amnesty International is an equal opportunities employer.




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