The USAID Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity is seeking a Technical Writer to help influence the development and execution of policies, directives, standards, and procedures in support of regulatory compliance. The Technical Writer will help develop, optimize, and document internal processes such as incident handling, malware analysis, notification, information sharing, reporting in addition to engaging with relevant policies by reviewing, assessing and sharing best regulatory and public policy practices by the EU (ENISA, EU CERT), EU countries (national CIRTs), and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and other key UN Agencies, such as UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute). Examples of policies include, but are not limited to, security policy, open reporting environment policy, incident reporting policy, incident handling policy, external communications policy, media relations policy, information disclosure policy, information distribution policy, human error policy, training and education policy, acceptable use policy. Examples of procedures include, but are not limited to, standard operating procedures (SOPs), accepting and tracking incident reports, incident and vulnerability handling, gathering, securing, and preserving evidence, configuration of networks and systems, system and network monitoring and intrusion detection, backing up and storing incident data, notification processes (how information is packaged, distributed, archived, etc.), training and mentoring.
Duties and responsibilities:
Qualifications and Experience:
Qualified candidates should send their CV and cover letter to [email protected] and submit both CVs and cover letters in English. Only short-listed candidates will receive notice requesting additional information.