DAI оголошує конкурс на заміщення вакансії Social Media and Outreach Specialist.
Submission Instructions: Please submit CVs in English. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. No email or phone inquiries, please.
The Social Media and Outreach Specialist’s role is to work together with the Director of Communications on tasks related to the Project’s activities in a number of internet platforms, including social networks. He/she will perform a range of tasks including, but not limited to development and administration of the Project Facebook page, coordination of creation and, if necessary, administration of the Project web site. The Social Media Specialist will be fully familiar with USAID branding policy; and a wide range of issues that may be raised in a variety of internet resources and platforms to be able to properly respond to questions and concerns, and to relay such concerns back to the Project’s team with sufficient understanding what effective remedies can be developed, if necessary. The Social Media Specialist will deliver tasks and milestones per the guidance of Communications Director.