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Вакансія соціального працівника по роботі з громадами (Одеса)

Громадська організація «Десяте квітня» оголошує вакансію на зайняття посади соціального працівника по роботі з громадами у проекті «Соціальна допомога біженцям та шукачам притулку та робота з їх громадами». Дедлайн - 1 травня 2018 року (далі - англ.).

Більше вакансій у розділі Вакансії

Project Title: “Community Empowerment and Social Assistance to Refugees and Asylum Seekers”

Organization: “The Tenth of April”, UNHCR implementing partner

Job Title: Social Worker, community-based

Duty Station: Ukraine, Odesa

Contract Type: contract of employment

Background Information

Ukraine is a signatory to the 1951 Geneva Convention on Refugees and has relevant national legislative and procedural framework, but provides very limited material assistance to refugees and asylum seekers.

While advocating the improvements of Ukrainian asylum system, the UNHCR under its mandate provides the concerned population with legal and social support through its legal and social implementing partners.

“The Tenth of April” is a non-government organization which implements the UNHCR program of social assistance and refugees’ communities empowerment in Odesa and Odesa oblast in accordance with the UNHCR policies, priorities and operating procedures.

We are seeking a dynamic and proactive team player, with a strong interest in communication and self-development in refugee issues, to complete a nine-month contract employment as a Social Worker, community-based.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Social Worker, community-based as the team member is expected to:

  • Ensure understanding and exercising the Community-based Approach in collaboration with other team members.
  • Invest time in gathering information about the refugees’ communities in Odesa and Odesa oblast, learning about their background, composition, and current dynamics.
  • In close cooperation with the communities’ representatives analyze the protection needs, set the priorities, based on the community’s own assessments and the UNHCR’s ability to deliver.
  • In close cooperation with the communities’ representatives develop and implement the activities plan in order to meet the jointly identified priorities.    
  • In close cooperation with the communities’ representatives monitor and evaluate implementing process in order to identify shortcomings and provide for transparency and accountability.
  • Analyse the potential stakeholders, map the capacities in order to meet the PoCs’ protection needs.
  • Jointly with the team members conduct other activities in order to find the best durable solution for the concerned population.
  • Fill in the reporting documents.
  • Record in-time manner the information in the database.

Qualifications Required:

  • General understanding of the UNHCR mission and mandate.
  • Bachelor’s degree in Humanitarian, Social Sciences or other relevant field.
  • Experience in refugees’ protection field is desirable but not essential. The individuals with background in education, social work, human rights, communications, advocacy, journalism, international relations, development studies or other relevant disciplines are encouraged to apply.
  • The candidate is expected to have genuine desire to adapt to the project context and generate the ideas to address the protection needs of the concerned population.
  • Experience in carrying-out social projects is desirable.
  • Understanding of group processes, conflict-resolution and mediation.
  • Advanced knowledge of oral and written English and Ukrainian.
  • Excellent computer skills (MS Office essential).

Skills Required:

  • Listening Skills in order to understand needs, demands and preferences of the project clients and stakeholders.
  • Strong written and verbal Communication Skills in order to counsel, negotiate and report in an efficient manner.
  • Negotiating Skills in order to facilitate processes with the project stakeholders who have various levels of power and decision-making capacities, to open discussions on sensitive issues.
  • Good observation skills and curiosity in order to discover many things that are happening in a community that might not be spoken about.
  • Empathy in order to express genuine concern for the clients’ needs and willingness to respond.
  • Psychological maturity to deal with vulnerable applicants.
  • Tolerant behavior in order to respect individuals of various cultures, ages, genders, races, religions, traditions.
  • Time Management Skills in order to analyse the workload, assign priorities, and maintain focus on productive endeavours
  • Managing Skills in order to plan, implement, and evaluate the processes.
  • Team Working in order to generate problem-solving strategies, provide with constructive feedback, etc.


The selected Social Worker, community-based will be based with the project team in Odesa and work under the Project Manager supervision. 


The contract is expected to begin at the earliest convenience and be available for 9 months. The role is full time within 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.

How to apply:

Interested applicants should submit their letter of motivation and CV in English to [email protected] indicating “Social Worker, community-based” in the subject of the email.

The deadline for applications is 01 May 2018.

“The Tenth of April” seeks to sustain its workforce diversity. Applications are encouraged from all qualified candidates without distinction on grounds of race, national origin, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity.



Марина Курочкіна   2375 днів тому   #  

Прошу модератора виправити дедлайн: 01 травня 2018 року

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Щербаков Максим   2375 днів тому   #  

Вже виправлено, дякую!

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Марина Курочкіна   2366 днів тому   #  

Уважаемый администратор!
Изменен крайний срок подачи заявок. Просьба внести изменения в текст.
"Дедлайн - 14 квітня 2018 року".
Далее "Duration: from the earliest convenience till the end of 2018 year".
И в конце "The deadline for applications is 14 April 2018".

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  •   Пiдписатися на новi

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