ООН-Жінки оголошують про відкриття вакансії радника з гендерної рівності при Міністерстві регіонального розвитку, будівництва та ЖКГ України. Очікувана дата початку роботи - 10 квітня 2018 року (далі - англ.).
Більше вакансій у розділі Вакансії
UN Women works closely with the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine to ensure that the decentralization reform is compliant with international standards on gender equality and is informed by the results of the described above gender-responsive regional and local initiatives. Therefore, UN Women seeks to hire a National Consultant to serve the role of a Gender Advisor to provide technical assistance, policy advice and capacity-building to ensure that gender is mainstreamed in the institutional structures, policies and mechanisms of the Ministry.
Duties and Responsibilities
Scope of Work/Duties and Responsibilities
Under the overall guidance of the UN Women Country Programme Manager/Head of Office, in close collaboration with the UN Women Project Coordinator, under direct supervision of a designated supervisor at the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services, and in coordination with the Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Construction, the consultant will implement a set of tasks, including, but not limited to:
1. Develop a work plan for the provision of advisory services, including tasks, indicators for measuring progress, and a timeline of deliverables.
2. Provide day-to-day technical and policy advice to the Ministry to ensure the Ministry’s policy and legislative framework is in line with international human rights and Ukraine’s international, regional and national commitments on gender equality and women’s human rights.
3. Support the Ministry to ensure gender and the needs and priorities of women and men, especially from vulnerable groups, are recognized and taken into consideration in the implementation of the decentralization reform.
4. Facilitate engagement with women’s groups, including internally displaced women, and civil society organizations to increase their understanding of the decentralization reform and to inform the reform by women’s needs and concerns.
5. Coordinate and participate in multi-stakeholder and inter-ministerial learning workshops and study tours abroad, on best practices and tools to analyse, formulate and execute gender-responsive policies, reforms, plans and budgets, and support the Ministry to institutionalize these practices.
6. Provide a set of recommendations on gender mainstreaming in legislation, policies, programmes, plans and budgets of the Ministry.
7. Conduct an institutional/functional gender analysis, which would help to identify entry points for mainstreaming gender in the work of the Ministry and in staff competencies.
8. Conduct a capacity needs assessment to identify the gaps in staff understanding of key issues of gender equality.
9. Based on the needs assessment, develop a capacity-building plan for delivering necessary trainings on gender mainstreaming for the staff to increase awareness of issues related to gender equality.
10. Coordinate organization of conferences, trainings, operational updates, periodic and post operation reviews about issues related to gender perspectives for the Ministry.
11. Respond to internal and external requests for information.
Starting Date : 10-Apr-2018
Duration of Initial Contract : 175 days (within period of 10 April to 15 December 2018)