У Секретаріаті Кабінету Міністрів України відкрита вакансія експерта з оцінки гендерного впливу. Експерт надаватиме рекомендації щодо розвитку гендерного компоненту політичного аналізу та методології оцінки впливу. Дедлайн - 15 березня 2018 року (далі - англ.).
Більше вакансій у розділі Вакансії
EDGE is helping the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (SCMU) to implement the governance reform. SCMU is a key body within Ukrainian government, which is charged with setting the agenda and policy coordination across state agencies. With the ongoing governance reform, the SCMU serves as a model for line ministries in upgrading operational processes, establishing strategic planning and policy making capabilities, and building a modern and capable public service. The objective of the governance reform initiative is to strengthen SCMU’s capacity in multiple directions including implementation of strategic planning and Results-Based Management (RBM), policy analysis, and reform monitoring.
Gender Impact Assessment Expert will be responsible for providing recommendations on development of gender (and in a broader sense vulnerable groups) component as a part of policy analysis and impact assessment methodology, as well as practical implementation under the CMU Secretariat supervision. The Expert will be conducting research and legislative analysis, holding consultations with various stakeholders, making presentations, and conducting trainings for civil servants.
Terms of Reference: scmu-tor-gender-expert_v2.pdf
The closing date for applications: March, 15 2018
Please send your applications to: prsm@fsr.org.ua