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Проектний менеджер (Запоріжжя)

Під загальним контролем керівника проекту/ координатора, що знаходиться в Краматорську, менеджер проекту відповідатиме за реалізацію проектної діяльності в Запорізькій області. Дедлайн подання документів – 12 січня 2018 року (далі – англ.)

Duties and Responsibilities

Summary of key functions:

  • Project Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting;
  • Contribution to Inter-Agency coordination and partnerships building;
  • Advocacy support and facilitation of knowledge building and management.

1. Project Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting:

  • Ensure timely and effective implementation of the project component related to Zaporizhzhia oblast and delivery of results in accordance with the project document, work plans and other project documents;
  • Provide inputs to project reports, including progress and annual reports, as well as ad-hoc technical reports;
  • Contribute to project monitoring and evaluation, as well as audit activities;
  • Assure that due security measures are in place with regard to the project personnel and assets;
  • Ensure provision of timely inputs to the preparation, update and implementation of annual and detailed implementation work plans and other related documents for timely commencement and implementation of the project activities;
  • Provide inputs to activities and ensure timely implementation of project, including reporting on achieved progress;
  • Ensure proper management of the budget component allocated for the project implementation;
  • Arrange and monitor field level activities of the project.

2. Contribution to Inter-Agency coordination and partnerships building:

  • Provide technical advisory support to UN Women in engagement with relevant local authorities to support the capacity development and implementation of the project;
  • Maintain close liaison with local and oblast partners, ensuring optimum participation of all relevant stakeholders;
  • Develop the professional platform for networking and partnership building with the local and regional authorities, CSOs, private sector and international development organizations or projects;
  • Ensure coordination with relevant working groups and information sharing. Support UN Women in partnership building;
  • Facilitate collection, analysis and interpretation of data in the field of project implementation in the target regions of Ukraine;
  • Ensure availability of an up-to-date information on all critical issues related to project implementation;
  • Prepare regular updates to UN Women with situation analysis (political, social, and economic) in the field of the project implementation.

3. Advocacy support and facilitation of knowledge building and management:

  • Manage the establishment of advocacy networks at national level;
  • Proactively and substantively support and implement relevant, high-impact advocacy activities and campaigns with key partners;
  • Ensure awareness about project priorities, strategies and approaches. Analyse ongoing experience for lessons learned, best practices, and shares with project management for use in knowledge sharing and planning future strategies;
  • Proactively contribute to knowledge networks and communities of practice;
  • Contribute to implementation of the UN Women communications strategy and plan.


  • Full and appropriate implementation of project activities in assigned region;
  • Results, experiences and lessons learned during implementation of the project are shared with the project management;
  • Programme initiatives are designed and formulated for translating UN Women’s priorities into local interventions;
  • Reporting and quality monitoring activities completed.


  • Annual work plan for project is fully and timely implemented;
  • Funds delivery for the project reached 100%;
  • Partnership and advocacy networks at national level are established.



  • Integrity;
  • Professionalism;
  • Cultural sensitivity and valuing diversity.


  • Ethics and Values;
  • Organizational Awareness;
  • Development and Innovation;
  • Work in teams: Demonstrate ability to work in a multicultural, multi ethnic environment and to maintain effective working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds;
  • Communicating and Information Sharing: Facilitate and encourage open communication and strive for effective communication;
  • Self-management and Emotional Intelligence: Stay composed and positive even in difficult moments, handle tense situations with diplomacy and tact, and have a consistent behavior towards others;
  • Conflict Management: Surface conflicts and address them proactively acknowledging different feelings and views and directing energy towards a mutually acceptable solution;
  • Continuous Learning and Knowledge Sharing: Encourage learning and sharing of knowledge;
  • Appropriate and Transparent Decision Making: Demonstrate informed and transparent decision making.


  • Demonstrated development/programming skills particularly those that are pertinent to UN Women strategic priorities on gender issues and women’s rights;
  • Ability to lead implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programmes component;
  • Ability to develop detailed operational plans, budgets, and deliver on them for development results;
  • Good knowledge of Results Based Management principles and approaches;
  • Ability to establish and maintain broad strategic networks and partnerships with UN agencies and other partners to promote partnership and build alliances to advance organizational interests and competencies;
  • Demonstrated strong coordination, facilitation and communication skills.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Master’s Degree or equivalent in Management,? Public Administration, Human Rights, Law, Economics, Gender Studies and Social Sciences or related field.


  • Minimum 3 years of progressively responsible experience in project, management and implementation services or related field preferably in the international environment;
  • Experience and understanding of implementing human rights, gender equality and women’s empowerment projects/initiatives. Experience in advocacy for gender equality and women’s empowerment is desirable;
  • Experience in design, monitoring and evaluation of development projects and establishing inter-relationships among international organization and national governments is an advantage;
  • Experience of working with relevant stakeholders from the governmental and non-governmental institutions involved into recovery issues at the national and sub-national levels;
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Office, Outlook, etc.).

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in oral and written Ukrainian and Russian languages. Working knowledge of English.


If you wish to apply for this or other positions with UNDP, please visit UNDP website, section jobs and apply online 

Deadlaine for applicattions is 12 January 2018.


  • UNDP
  •  1
  • Klovsky Uzviz
  •  Kyiv
  •  01021
  •  Ukraine
  • +38044 253 93 63


Юлия Дмитренко   2384 дні тому   #  

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