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Координатор з комунікацій та зв’язків із медіа у Save the Children (Слов’янськ)

Міжнародна гуманітарна організація в Україні Save the Children оголошує конкурс на заміщення вакансії Координатора з комунікацій та зв'язків із медіа у Слов'янську. Прохання присилати резюме АНГЛІЙСЬКОЮ МОВОЮ, адже робота вимагає знання мови.

LOCATION: Based in Slovyansk


Level 3: the role holder will have contact with children and/or young people either frequently (e.g. once a week or more) or intensively (e.g. four days in one month or more or overnight) because they work in country programs; or are visiting country programs; or because they are responsible for implementing the police checking/vetting process staff.


The Communications and Media Coordinator will work with internal and external stakeholders to ensure Save the Children’s emergency response in Ukraine is effectively and accurately presented.

The Communications and Media Coordinator will be responsible for producing compelling communications materials such as case studies, infographics and photos, building Save the Children’s media profile in Ukraine, improving our communication with beneficiaries, ensuring donor visibility requirements are met and leading on information management activities, such as the production of the monthly situation report. The successful applicant will also be trained and mentored to take over management of the Communications Team.


Reports to: International Communications and Media Coordinator


Communications and information management

  • Support the international Communications and Media Coordinator with the implementation of the Save the Children Ukraine response media and communications strategy.
  • Create effective communications content - such as case studies, photos, infographics, blogs and factsheets - for donors, Save the Children members and the Regional Office.
  • Identify compelling and relevant stories in the field and organise content gathering trips to gather the resources.
  • Create content for the Ukraine response’s social media accounts and website.
  • Manage the production of key information management resources including situation reports, Q&As and key messages.
  • Lead on the development and implementation of a ‘communicating with beneficiaries’ strategy.
  • Support the Communications Team with the implementation of the internal communications plan.
  • Work with the international Communications Coordinator to ensure donor visibility requirements are met in the field.
  • Support the international Communications and Media Coordinator to facilitate VIP visits to the field (including Save the Children member communications/media/video teams)


  • Lead on the development and implementation of a national and local media strategy to raise the profile of Save the Children in Ukraine and improve our communication with beneficiaries.
  • Produce media releases, speaking notes for spokespeople, Q&As and opinion pieces.
  • Respond to local and national media requests and ensure journalists are provided with information in a timely manner.
  • Identify and pitch positive stories about Save the Children’s work to local and national journalists.
  • Provide media training to national Save the Children staff members as required.
  • Support the international Communications and Media Coordinator to manage crisis communications as required to minimise the damage to Save the Children’s reputation in Ukraine.
  • Monitor local and national media coverage about Save the Children’s work in Ukraine in coordination with the Communications Assistant.


  • Support the international Communications and Media Coordinator with the development and implementation of advocacy campaigns
  • Build the capacity of partner organisations through delivering training in information management and communication skills (including media training)
  • Identify learning and training opportunities for Save the Children staff and partners and work as a mentor and role model for less experienced staff

SKILLS AND BEHAVIOURS (our Values in Practice)


  • Holds self accountable for making decisions, managing resources efficiently, achieving results together with children and role modelling Save the Children values
  • Creates an environment in-country to lead, enable and maintain our culture of child safeguarding


  • Sets ambitious and challenging goals for self, takes responsibility for own personal development
  • Widely shares personal vision for Save the Children, engages and motivates others
  • Future oriented, thinks strategically and on a global scale


  • Builds and maintains effective relationships, with their own team, colleagues, members, donors and partners
  • Values diversity, sees it as a source of competitive strength
  • Approachable, good listener, easy to talk to


  • Develops and encourages new and innovative solutions
  • Willing to take disciplined risks


  • Honest, encourages openness and transparency
  • Always acts in the best interests of children



  • At least four years’ experience working in information, communications and media
  • Previous experience working in a non-profit organisation
  • University education in a relevant subject or equivalent field experience
  • Ability to deliver high-quality communications content, including photographs and case studies, about Save the Children’s programs
  • Experience developing and implementing media and communications strategies
  • Experience interviewing vulnerable children and understanding child protection guidelines and procedures
  • Experience managing media requests and using the media to increase the profile of an organisation
  • Understanding about how to effectively communicate with beneficiaries
  • Excellent understanding of what media and communications content Save the Children’s members require to fundraise and advocate effectively.
  • Evidence of excellent verbal and written communication skills in both English, Russian and Ukrainian for a wide range of different audiences including donors, journalists and the general public.
  • Experience developing media and communications products in a politically and culturally sensitive manner
  • The capacity and willingness to be extremely flexible and accommodating in difficult and sometimes insecure working environments.
  • Experience of delivering training, presentations and other capacity building activities for different audiences
  • Ability to manage and prioritise an unpredictable workload and solve problems quickly
  • Excellent IT skills, especially in Microsoft Word and Powerpoint
  • Excellent relationship building skills and strong influencing skills
  • An initiative-taking, proactive and inspiring attitude
  • Commitment to the aims and principles of Save the Children. In particular, a good understanding of the Save the Children’s mandate and child focus, and an ability to ensure this is included in all media and communications content.


  • Experience as a media spokesperson
  • PhotoShop or other design software skills
  • Management experience


Deadline: 29.08.2016



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