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Вакансії у проекті ЄС «Підтримка реалізації агропродовольчої політики в Україні»

The UK-led consortium of WYG International invites expressions of interest from enthusiastic individuals who would like to be part of our office team for the EU-funded project «Support to Agricultural and Food Policy Implementation in Ukraine».

The positions are:

  1. office/finance manager;
  2. projects coordinator translator/interpreter/administrator;
  3. logistics manager/driver with own car.

Positions 1 and 2 require fluency in Ukrainian and English languages.

If you are interested in one of these positions then please prepare a motivation letter in English. Include in the letter:

  • a description of your personal skills that you think will contribute to our team;
  • a summary of your relevant education and/or work experience;
  • your home address, email address, and telephone number;

Please send your motivation letter as an email attachment with the email subject line «Motivation Letter Agri-Food Policy Project» to our team leader Mr. John Millns at [email protected] by 23.59hrs on Friday 12th February 2016.

Shortlisted applicants will receive an invitation to interview in Kyiv by Friday 19th February 2016.



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