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Волонтерувати в Німеччині (англ.)

Академія Української Молоді терміново шукає кандидатів на участь у програмі Европейської волонтерської служби (European Voluntary Service) з 1 червня 2009 року на рік.
Кандидати повинні мати дійсний закордонній паспорт, володіти німецькою мовою та бути готовими до реалізації проекту EVS. Якщо Ви зацікавлені, потрібно надіслати CV, фото на мотиваційнйи лист англійською або німецькою мовою на [email protected] до 10.05.2009
EI Ref: 2008-DE-47 data base address

An applicant should meet the following criteria:

  • proven interest (through any combination of school subjects or any relevant experience, e.g. in international youth work) in the work and in the main topics of the EJBW (political education, european politics and culture, intercultural learning, international encounters).
  •  She/he should have been involved and gained experience in the international, intercultural, European or European-political context.
  •  An interest in working with youth media (pc, video, photography, cd-rom, music etc.).
  •  Good computer knowledge (Windows 98, Millenium or XP-Version, Outlook, Excel). Interest/willingnesss to learn internet content management and database management.
  •  She/he should be socially competent with regard to the mission and the goals of the EJBW and the interaction of the people coming to the EJBW (e.g. empathic behaviour, sensibility for group dynamics).
  •  Responsibility.
  •  Independence.
  •  Flexibility and the ability to spend energy and time on projects requiring this to the appropriate degree.
  •  A basic knowledge of German and the motivation and ability to acquire the linguistic competence necessary for the work in the EJBW.

Description of the organization:

TThe European Youth Meeting and Education Centre was opened in 1999. Its purpose is to provide a place for people from all over the world to meet and attend seminars. It offers a programme with a variety of seminars and projects in the field of cultural, political and international education. The seminars and projects are addressed at children and youth but there are also trainings for so-called "multipliers" (e.g. teachers, pedagogical staff, social workers).The Centre and its facilities can also be booked by groups and other organisations as an attractive place for accomodation and for conferences, seminars and trainings. Learning together is the main purpose of our work. The fact that Weimar is a town in which many historical events have taken place is very important for our work. In Seminars and international (youth) encounters one of the underlying questions which we work on is how democratic structures can be put forward and developed for our common world.The European Youth Meeting and Education Centre offers projects in four areas: 

  • Political Education (historical-political education as well as political-social education)
  • Intercultural Learning and International Encounters
  • Cultural Youth education
  • European Politics and Culture

The European Youth Meeting and Education Centre works both with groups from the town and the region as well as with european and international groups.Creative thinking, independent jugdgement, solidarity and responsible action - these are the crucial notions and aims of our educational work.
In the European Youth Meeting and Education Centre there are 21 employees, including kitchen and cleaning staff, technicians, administrative personell and pedagogical staff.




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