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EUACI шукає тренерів з внутрішніх комунікацій та розв’язання конфліктів


Trainers for internal communication and conflict resolution trainings for HACC


The European Union Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI) Phase III is the largest EU-funded program focused on supporting Ukraine’s anti-corruption efforts. It is co-financed by the EU and implemented by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the program spanning from 2024 to 2027. 

The High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) is one of the key beneficiaries of the EUACI. As of now, it consists of 38 judges: 27 serving in the first instance and 11 in the Appeal Chamber. Additionally, one first-instance judge is currently seconded to the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine. The HACC apparatus currently consists of 255 employees. The Court operates across three separate buildings in Kyiv.

Following a request from HACC, based on a training needs assessment report prepared in November 2023, the EUACI has committed to organizing 4 training sessions on internal communication and conflict resolution. As a result, the EUACI has launched a tender to identify trainers who can meet this need.


The assignment consists of organizing and conducting four training sessions, divided into two lots. Bidders may submit proposals for one or both of the lots. The EUACI reserves the right to select either a single contractor for both lots or separate contractors for each.

Lot 1. Training on effective internal communication and conflict resolution for HACC judges (2 sessions).

The aim of these sessions is to foster unity among HACC judges and cultivate a culture of open, conflict-free communication. This includes promoting effective internal dialogue and decision-making, particularly in non-judicial matters. The programm of training session may include facilitated discussions with HACC judges on ways to organize and improve internal communication withinthe court. The selected Service Provider will be required to assess the specific needs of HACC judges during the preparation phase and develop detailed agendas for the sessions accordingly. Such agenda shall be developed at least 10 days before training sessions and shared with designated representatives of HACC and the EUACI.

The sessions shall target the entire group of 37 judges, and the content should be complementary across both sessions. Each session should last between 4 to 6 hours.

The trainings are to be scheduled between January 2025 and March 2025, with exact dates and locations to be confirmed in coordination with the EUACI and HACC. The sessions will be held offline at rented venues in Kyiv or the Kyivska Oblast, with venue costs covered separately by the EUACI.

Lot 2. Training on conflict management for HACC Apparatus Staff (2 sessions).

The aim of these sessions is to equip the HACC Apparatus staff with the skills and knowledge needed for conflict-free communication, effective management of difficult court visitors, and the application of appropriate conflict management strategies. The selected Service Provider will be expected to clarify the specific needs of the Apparatus staff during the preparation phase and develop detailed agendas based on these insights. Such agenda shall be developed at least 10 days before training sessions and shared with designated representatives of HACC and the EUACI.

Each session will be delivered to two different groups of HACC Apparatus staff, with up to 40 participants per group. The content should be mostly identical for both sessions.

Each session should last between 4 to 6 hours. The trainings are to be scheduled between November 2024 and January 2024, with exact dates and locations to be confirmed in coordination with the EUACI and HACC. These sessions will be held offline at rented venues in Kyiv or Kyiv Oblast, with venue costs covered separately by the EUACI.

Requirements for the Service Providers

The Service Providers have to meet a minimum the following requirements:

  • official registration as individual entrepreneur according to the legislation of Ukraine;
  • high education in the field of psychology, HR, management or other related field;
  • minimum 5 years of working experience in the field;
  • proven experience of conducting similar trainings;
  • use of generally established methods approaches to holding such trainings;
  • familiarity and understanding with the operational context of HACC;
  • fluency in Ukrainian.

The requested services may also be delivered by a company or a team of experts. In this case, at least one member of the team must meet the specified criteria.

Estimated budget

The full budget for this assignment may not exceed EUR 2 500 for each of the lots (EUR 5000 for both).


All the payments under the contract will be made in UAH according to the official NBU exchange rate published on the day of the invoice issuance by the contractor. The payment will be made upon receipt and approval by the EUACI of all the deliverables.


Bids will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria provided below:

How to apply

The deadline for submitting the proposals is 31 October 2024 17:00 Kyiv time.

All interested experts or companies should submit (bidding language is English):

  • CV indicating simiral training experience;
  • Preliminary concept for training sessions (short bulletpoint drafts);
  • Financial offer.

The proposal must include the required information and be submitted by the specified deadline to [email protected]. Please ensure the email subject includes the ToR title and the lot(s) for which you are applying.  

Any clarification questions regarding the bid request should be addressed to the same email, not later than 06 November 2024 17:00 Kyiv time.


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