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НДІ запрошує на роботу Експерта/ку з інклюзії ветеранів/нок

National Democratic Institute

Request for Proposal (RFP) for Expert on Veteran Inclusion 


National Democratic Institute (NDI) is and has been committed to ensuring that all groups within Ukraine’s society are equitably involved in political and social processes, especially in the context of wartime and post-war recovery. 

Since 1992, NDI has supported democratic development in Ukraine through political party and legislative strengthening initiatives, election monitoring, civil society development, and efforts to enhance women’s political participation, advocate for the inclusion of LGBTIQ+ communities, and promote overall inclusion of underrepresented and vulnerable groups. As a result of these efforts, women, LGBTIQ+ individuals, and other underrepresented groups grew their political representation and capacities to proactively contribute to Ukraine’s democratic development. However, the russian full-scale invasion has threatened these democratic gains, exacerbated pre-existing inclusion challenges, and created new ones. 

In line with NDI mission and values, and especially in the context of the full-scale russian war against Ukraine, there is a need to integrate into social and political life large groups of underrepresented and vulnerable groups. Such groups include but are not limited to veterans, persons with disabilities, internally displaced people (IDPs), women, youth, and Ukrainians temporarily residing abroad, LGBTIQ+ communities, and people experiencing intersecting vulnerabilities. 

The overall goal of NDI’s Inclusion Program is to promote the participation of underrepresented and vulnerable groups, including persons with disabilities, IDPs, veterans, and LGBTIQ+ communities, in the political and civic life of Ukraine. To achieve this goal, the Inclusion Program works in partnership with civil society organizations to strengthen their capacities, advocacy, public outreach activities and organizational development. In addition, the Program serves as a focal point for mainstreaming inclusive approaches in NDI cross-cutting programming, such as political party strengthening and citizen engagement. 


NDI will consolidate existing best practices and methodologies to devise a comprehensive toolkit for political parties/movements’ self-assessment on the inclusion of underrepresented groups. The toolkit will simultaneously be an assessment mechanism and a tool for the parties’ internal structure and policy improvement with regard to inclusion, as it will also include an extensive list of recommendations on the inclusion of women, LGBTIQ+ people, veterans, and persons with disabilities at different levels of political parties work. Following up on the facilitated parties’ self-assessment, NDI will follow up on the parties’ action plans with training and targeted assistance. NDI will incorporate feedback and lessons learned after piloting the toolkit into its final edition. 

Within the scope of this activity, NDI is seeking a qualified expert with strong knowledge of veterans’ affairs (strong connections within veteran communities are preferred, but not required) to provide consultancy services on the current state of veteran inclusion and integration into Ukraine’s civic and political life. The selected expert will conduct mapping and assessment of organizations, movements, and stakeholders that work with veterans to identify unmet needs, policy priorities, and barriers for civic and political participation of veterans, which will form a basis for further work on developing the methodology for self-assessment for political parties and movements on the inclusion on underrepresented groups. The selected expert will contribute to the methodology aimed at helping political parties and movements assess their current state of veteran inclusion. In addition, the selected expert will develop a report based on the mapping and assessment findings that will include recommendations for interventions that would improve veteran inclusion. Insights and recommendations provided by the expert will be integrated into the comprehensive toolkit for political parties/movements’ self-assessment on the inclusion of underrepresented groups. 


The selected expert will:

1. Provide an overview (mapping)   report on key Ukrainian organizations, movements, stakeholders, government agencies, political parties, political actors, public figures, and other entities involved in veteran affairs, with the focus on these entities’ experience and role in promoting veteran political agency and leadership, advancing veteran-related policy priorities, and addressing the needs of veterans . 

        a. Identify key challenges, needs, and opportunities for veterans’ civic and political participation. The exact methods and format of overview (mapping) report will be agreed upon with the selected expert during negotiations, and may include but are not limited to policy review, desk research, and/or interviews with stakeholders involved in veteran affairs. Other possible deliverables may include:

  • i. Any relevant informed consent documentation necessary for involving external participants/stakeholders in the mapping and assessment exercise. 
  • ii. Data confidentiality documentation outlining how any relevant external participant data will be securely handled, stored, and anonymized. 
  • iii. Assessment and mapping instruments including but not limited to questionnaires, interview guides, survey tools, data collection and analysis tools, etc. 
  • iv. Any relevant raw and processed data collected within the scope of the expert’s assignment (examples may include but are not limited to interview notes, interview recordings, etc.)

2. In collaboration with NDI, contribute to the creation of a methodology (toolkit) for political parties/movements’ self-assessment on the inclusion of underrepresented groups (in the part of veterans inclusion). 

        a. Develop specific components of the methodology (toolkit) in collaboration with NDI. 

        b. Develop recommendations for political parties’ internal structure and policy improvement, as well as best practices that would facilitate inclusion of veterans into party ranks.

        c. Identify new programmatic windows of opportunity related to veteran political participation and based on that provide recommendations on new programmatic directions for NDI.

        d. Develop recommendations for civil society interventions and best practices that would improve veterans’ access to civic participation and overall promote veterans’ social integration. 

3. If requested, provide consultations or training and other tailored assistance for political parties and movements.

4. If requested, contribute to a followup report summarizing the findings of piloted work, including lessons learned and recommended adjustments for the methodology (toolkit) and its application.

NDI must review and approve all deliverables within the proposed scope of work.

Anticipated timeline

Stages of implementation Preliminary timeline
1. Preparatory work October-November, 2024
2. Overview (mapping) report fieldwork and development November-December, 2024
3. Creation of a methodology (toolkit) for political parties/movements’ self-assessment December-February, 2025
4. Consultations during the piloting of the methodology (toolkit) for political parties/movements’ self-assessment; other requested assistance February-May, 2025
5. Preparation of a followup report summarizing the findings of piloted work June-July, 2025

Proposal requirements and required qualifications

Proposals should be submitted in Ukrainian and contain:

Cover letter and CV outlining the applicant's qualifications, experience relevant to this consultancy, and examples of prior relevant work/projects. 

Technical proposal within the above mentioned scope of work containing an implementation plan and a cost estimate. 

Contact details (mobile phone and e-mail) of at least two (2) references to attest to previous experience; letters of recommendation are not required but encouraged.

PE registration documents.

Vendors are encouraged, but not required, to submit any documents that demonstrate their commitment to inclusivity, equity, and sustainability, as well as relevant experience working with political parties or movements.

NDI will evaluate bids based on the expert’s experience meeting the description of services required, cost and value-for-money, and reputation.


Applications should be sent by 23 October 2024 to [email protected], quoting the title “RFP for Expert on Veteran Inclusion” in the subject line.

It is expected that the contract will be in effect from October 2024.

NDI reserves the right to contact applicants for further information and clarification of applications after the deadline.

NDI reserves the right to reject any and all bids. NDI reserves the right to consider bids for modification at any time before a contract is awarded. NDI should not be liable for any costs associated with the preparation, transmittal, or presentation materials submitted in response to the RFP. NDI makes no certification as to the accuracy of any item and is not responsible or liable for any reliance on or use of the information or for any claims asserted therefrom. Bids are expected to be valid for up to six months from the publication date of the RFP.

Bidders must provide disclosure of any known past, present or future relationships with any parties associated with NDI. For example, bidders should disclose if a member of their Board is also a member of NDI's Board currently or in the past, or if they are affiliated (such as a board member, current/past employee or family member, volunteer, etc.) with a civil society organization that is a current, past or planned recipient of NDI funding. The bidder also certifies that the prices offered were arrived at independently and without the purpose of restricting competition with other offerers, including but not limited to subsidiaries and that prices have not been and will not be knowingly disclosed to any other offerer unless required by law. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in NDI having to re-evaluate the selection of a potential bid.


National Democratic Institute (NDI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works to strengthen democratic institutions around the world by engaging civil society and promoting openness and accountability in government. NDI has been supporting local democratization efforts in Ukraine since 1992. For more information about NDI, please visit

The proposed activities are implemented within the Program “Ukraine Responsive and Accountable Politics”, through the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS) with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).  NDI expects that the selected vendor maintains no affiliations with Ukrainian political parties or movements to ensure integrity, transparency, and impartiality.



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