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Чеська ОГС шукає партнерів у Харкові

Czech think tank / CSO Center for the Study of Democracy and Culture (CDK) from Brno has been active in Ukraine - Kharkiv since 2006.

In 2012, we would like to continue in our activities, therefore we are looking for a Ukrainian partner.

Our project´s objectives are:

  1. To broaden and strengthen the knowledge of the target group in Eastern Ukraine in issues like freedom, democracy, EU integration, civil society and its values through lectures and trainings of the CDK Institute VIDOS.
  2. Capacity building: to pass the practical experience and know-how to the target group: with the project writing and implementing, usage of the new media within the CSOs, applying the know how in practice.

In 2012, we would like to attract not only University students like in the previous years, but also NGO and CSO activitsts, municipality, public officials etc. We will have not only general lectures on Democracy, EU etc - passing the Czech experience, but also practical workshop focusing on project writing, fundings, new media in work of NGOs, etc.

From our partner, we would like them to secure the participation, to target the target group, to help us with the practical organizational part, to take part in the lectures. 



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