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Щорічний інститут з американознаства

Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка та ГО «Львівська освітня ініціатива» запрошують взяти участь у щорічному інституті з американознавства.

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and NGO “Lviv Educational Initiative” are pleased to announce the 20th Annual American Studies Institute, organized in cooperation and supported by the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv.

2020 will be the year of the 20th edition of American Studies Institute in Ukraine. This initiative greatly contributed to the consolidation of American Studies in Ukraine and its anniversary will be an excellent opportunity to sum up the development of Amerykanoznavstvo and to reflect together on the future of U.S.-related study programs in Ukraine.

The 20th Annual American Studies Institute “Striving for Excellence: American Studies in Ukraine” aims at understanding better the identity of American Studies in the Ukrainian context and improving its pedagogy.

The 20th edition of American Studies Institute in Ukraine will combine two core components: an intensive training and peer-to-peer learning, and a workshop on the state of teaching of American Studies in Ukraine.

Participants from different Ukrainian universities will have the opportunity to share accumulated experience and best practices, and together discuss and reflect on how to strengthen the presence of U.S.-related study programs and courses in Ukrainian Universities.

All selected participants should prepare individually or collectively a presentation on the state of American Studies in their respective universities.

The American Studies Institute is an intensive program of lectures, seminars, discussions that provide participants an opportunity to spend several days deeply immersed in American Studies.

The working language of the program will be English.


• Professors, university lecturers and PhD students from Ukrainian universities from all disciplines who are either already teaching or planning on developing American Studies courses at their home institutions;

• Mid- to senior-level university administrators involved in the development of American Studies;

• English language fluency.

Application form is available at:

Reimbursement: The organizers will cover the cost of tuition, meals, accommodation and transportation for the participants coming from outside of Lviv.

Application deadline: March 31, 2020.

Selected applicants will be notified by April 14, 2020.


Contacts of the program coordinators: [email protected]



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