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Міжнародна програма «Гендерне насильство: запобігання та належна відповідь. Посилення агентів змін»

Оголошено набір на участь у міжнародній програмі тренінгів «Гендерне насильство: запобігання та належна відповідь. Посилення агентів змін», що відбудеться у Стокгольмі. Дедлайн - 9 грудня 2019 року.


Please find attached an invitation to participate in an International Training Programme on Gender Based Violence. The programme is implemented by the Swedish Police Authority and the Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation and is financed by Sida. The Programme “Prevent and respond to Gender Based Violence – strengthening agents of change” is open for applications until 31st of May 2019. It will take place during 2019-2020, including 3 weeks of training in Sweden and 2 weeks in another country.

The aim of the programme is to develop the capacity of participating organisations/authorities and their personnel, to prevent and respond to Gender Based Violence. The main target group is persons who hold a mandate to promote and run processes of change, from the following organisations/authorities:

• Police

• Prosecutors

• Social services/municipalities

• Civil Society Organisations working to counteract Gender Based Violence

• Shelters

• Health professionals

• Relevant ministries

We invite persons from Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Moldova and Ukraine to apply to the programme, which will include about 25 participants. In the application, all applicants will describe their proposal for a project for change, which will constitute a common thread throughout the programme. Attached you will find guidelines for what to include in the concept note for the proposed project for change.

We hope that you yourself, or someone in your organisation would be interested to join the training. We would also be grateful if you could send this information to anyone you know who fits the criteria and that you think should be included in the training.

Welcome to join a participatory process of exchange and mutual learning!


The main objective is to increase the capacity of the targeted organisations and authorities to prevent and respond to Gender Based Violence, according to Rule of Law.

This will be achieved by reaching the following outcomes:

• The participants actively use gained knowledge, practical

methods and tools, preventing and responding to Gender

Based Violence.

• Targeted authorities and organisations apply gained knowledge,

methods and tools in their work.

• The participants use the contacts and network of the programme to improve cooperation and coordination in the field of Gender Based Violence.

Target Group

The target group is persons who have a mandate to run processes, i.e middle or senior level management, working for the following strategic authorities and organisations:

• Police

• Prosecutors

• Social services/municipalities

• Civil Society Organisations working to counteract Gender Based Violence

• Shelters

• Health professionals

• Relevant ministries

Relevant Higher Education Institutions


The following components will be included in the programme. 

1.    Core concepts and legal framework: knowing root causes and structures upholding Gender-Based Violence and understanding Gender-Based Violence, beyond domestic violence. This component looks into national and international legal frameworks, masculinity norms, and research on Gender-Based Violence, power and gender structures, and gender stereotypes.

2. Response to Gender Based Violence: implementation of the chain of justice, protection and support to victims of crime and survivors and models of cooperation will be highlighted.

Prevention of Gender-Based Violence: methods of preventing Gender Based Violence, such as awareness raising, rehabilitation techniques, changes in legislation as a preventive method, and advocacy tools will be presented.

Tools for Change: strategies on how to communicate and customize a message. Tools for project and change management will be given.  

Brochure (pdf 1,09 MB)

Application (pdf 645,23 kB)




Оксана Березська   1756 днів тому   #  

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Мазипчук Максим   1755 днів тому   #  

Вітаю, Оксано! Зверніться, будь ласка, стосовно уточнення програмних запитань за електронною адресою, вказаною у контактах: [email protected]. З повагою, Максим Мазипчук

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