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Міжуніверситетська літня школа з прав людини (Одеса)

9-13 липня 2018 року в Одесі буде проведено Четверту міжуніверситетську літню школу з прав людини. Дедлайн – 1 травня 2018 року (далі - англ.). 

Більше тренінгів у розділі Тренінги

This year the Annual Inter-University School on Human Rights will focus on the right to a fair trial and will immerse you in an insightful and enriching curriculum featuring:

  •  five-day intensive academic training on challenges to the human rights protection, guarantees of the right
  • to a fair trial in line with the ECHR, legislative gaps and deficiencies of national practices, recent case-law of the ECtHR
  •  hands-on workshops by outstanding trainers and renowned human rights think tanks
  •  moot court competition
  •  case studies
  •  thrill of the opportunity to absorb new influences, meet like-minded people from around the OSCE region
  • broad spectrum of intellectually engaging activities and vibrant social programme

Application and entry requirements:

  • be enrolled in a master’s or in the final year of a bachelor’s programme in Law/Human Rights/International Relations; or within one year after graduation from respective bachelor’s or master’s programmes
  • have excellent command of English
  • complete this online application

Watch here what our alumni have to say about their experience at the Annual Inter-University School on Human Rights
NOTE: Successful candidates will be informed about admission before 30 May 2018.
For questions, please contact Roksolana Melnyk at [email protected]



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