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Семінар Sustainable Development Goals (Марокко)

Цей тренінг спрямований на дослідження міжнародних концепцій стійкого розвитку та, зокрема, соціального підприємництва, як інноваційного способу вирішення соціальних проблем та розвитку для досягнення глобальних цілей. Мова тренінгу – англійська. Дедлайн – 15 травня 2018 року.

Більше тренінгів у розділі Тренінги

Цільова аудиторія – молодіжні працівники, лідери молодіжних рухів, тренери та проектні менеджери (далі – англ.). 

SDGs for good, aims to explore the different international concepts of sustainability and more specifically, social entrepreneurship, as an innovative way to solve social problems, and enhance the human development to achieve the global goals

In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 goals for a better world by 2030. These goals have the power to end poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change. Guided by the goals, it is now up to all of us, governments, businesses, civil society and the general public to work together to build a better future for everyone.

SDGs for good, aims to exploring the different international concept of sustainability and more specifically the social entrepreneurship as an innovative way to solve communities problems and enhance the human development at the end achieve the global goals.

The exchange program is designed for 30 local and international youth workers , concerned with sustainability and human development through social entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship, which are considered as an alternatives of civic engagement.

The participants learning experience will be supported by tools and methodologies on how to learn and acquire hard and soft skills to perform better in their personal and professional career.

We believe that this exchange program, will be an add value in order to raise awareness about the SDGs by gathering social entrepreneurs from the globe, leaders and change-makers in order to reflect on the sustainable development and human development in different countries, share reflections and best practices about the main issues and develop innovative solutions.
At the end of the exchange, the participants will engage actively to implement their project and use the exchange outcomes in their communities after developing strategical plans with the participants.

This exchange program is based on the method of learning by doing, different non-formal learning techniques will be used, such as : games, simulations, theoretical input followed by active experiences and reflection, small group work, individual goal settings, sharing of experiences in the large group.



  • MasterPeace Morocco (NGO)
  • [email protected]


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