Відкрито прийом заявок на волонтерський проект «Culture, art and creative madness» (Рига, Латвія). Мета проекту – розвиток у волонтерів нестандартного підходу до вирішення різноманітних задач. До участі запрошується активна молодь, що має знання та навички у сфері графічного дизайну, фотографії та кінематографі. Вітається наявність досвіду в журналістиці та культурному активізмі, а також прихильність до екологічного способу життя (сортування сміття тощо). Дедлайн – 5 березня 2018 року.
Більше тренінгів у розділі Тренінги
Для участі необхідно надіслати CV разом із супровідним листом, в якому потрібно зазначити наявні ідеї та проекти (далі – англ.).
The Project is aimed at developing the skills of a volunteer by offering opportunities to perform various tasks in somewhat different and extraordinary ways and unusual situations. As described below in the section about the tasks for the volunteers, we are looking for culturally active young people, preferably with some graphic design, photography and cinematography skills, as well as people with a background in journalism and art activism. Volunteers will have the opportunity to take up various tasks based on their specific interests - assist in curating cultural events; plan and implement their own creative ideas that fit the profile of the culture center; write a blog about the culture center and life in Riga; assist in working with the embassies to get support for bringing foreign artists to the culture center; bring new ideas for improving the communication of the center in social media; assist the artists and craftsmen, who work towards the restoration of the building.
Accommodation, food and transport arrangements
We are looking for two volunteers for a 12 month Project. The volunteers will share an apartment near the working space and if needed will be provided with bikes and/or money for bus tickets. All these practical decisions will be made with consideration of volunteer needs.
Training during the project
We offer a dynamic, multicultural working space that is also a platform for realizing one's own ideas. The opportunity to work in one of the main urban culture spots in Riga and learn first-hand about how an independent cultural center is being run. You can learn how to write projects and implement them step by step. Great colleagues that will inspire you to grow and develop your own projects and ideas. Moreover, you can always find interesting discussions, concerts, documentary screenings in our center.
Volunteer profile
We are open to volunteers from different backgrounds and experiences, as well as volunteers with challenging economic or geographical setting and will put all feasible support programs in action to help them integrate and feel comfortable with the new situation as much as possible. We are looking for volunteers with a background in graphic design, photography and video, journalism and art activism; with an active interest in culture and creative industries.
Skills in recycling, upcycling and sustainable way of living are an asset.
All applications will be considered.
How to apply
Send us an email to [email protected] with your CV and cover letter. If you have already some project ideas that you would like to implement together, please, mention it in your cover letter. And we will get back to you after the deadline.
Participants with fewer opportunities
Source: https://europa.eu/youth/contact_en