Європейський дипломатичний семінар - 6-денна програма для громадських лідерів, держслужбовців та представників неурядових організацій. Учасники семінару матимуть змогу поглибити знання щодо Східного Партнерства, Європейської політики сусідства та зовнішньої політики Європейського Союзу. Дедлайн подання заявок на стипендії - 29 січня 2018 року (далі – англ.).
Більше тренінгів у розділі Тренінги
The European Diplomacy Workshop (EDW) is a week-long program devoted to the European Union Foreign Policy, especially Eastern Partnership and European Neighborhood Policy. Based on expert-led workshops covering Southern and Eastern dimensions of the ENP, relations with Russia, as well as hands-on skills training in Leadership and Public Speaking. The European Diplomacy Workshop is designed for emerging political and social leaders, public servants and non-governmental representatives who are eager to learn how to influence the changing context of their country. The EDW is a forum for exchanging experiences, discussing challenges and developing cooperation, giving participants opportunities to broaden their EU and regional specific knowledge, as well as acquire and practice essential skills necessary for shaping the modern world.
To apply, please fill in the online APPLICATION FORM and attach your CV.
A select number of scholarships will be awarded to participants who have completed their 4th year of studies (graduate students, doctoral candidates and early career professionals may also apply).
The scholarship covers accommodation, meals (breakfasts, lunches, coffee breaks), workshop & materials, certificates. Participants are expected to arrange their own travel and visas if necessary.
To apply for the scholarship, submit CV (in Europass format) and a short essay on one of the topics below. The essay should be 3-5 pages, font Times New Roman, size 12 points, line spacing 1,5, side margins 2,5 cm.
Recruitment is open! The scholarship application deadline is until 29th of January.
The regular application deadline is 25th of February.
Подати заявку можна за посиланням: https://diplomats.pl/spring-european-diplomacy-workshop-application-form/
Джерело: https://diplomats.pl/course/european-diplomacy-workshop-eastern-partnership/