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Відбір на тренінговий курс в трьох країнах «Dare to act! A Practical Guide for non Violence Action»

Оголшено відбір на тренінговий курс в трьох країнах «Dare to act! A Practical Guide for non Violence Action».  З 1 по 8 грудня у Тбілісі, Грузія проходитиме перший етап тренінгового курсу (далі - англ.).

Place: Tbilisi, Georgia

Project dates 01-08 December, 2015

Target Group: According to the vision of the project the target group is special. We invite people who are familiar with Peace-Building, who are willing to get skills and knowledge in non-violent actions. At the same time, we are seeking for participants who come from conflict regions. We encourage applicants from Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk region to apply. Therefore, we are inviting youth workers- people who are equipped with certain knowledge and skills, who work with and for young people, who are eager to learn and to be innovators in their community or organizations. We are waiting people from 20 and above.

Number of participants: 2

Travel reimbursement: Provided up to 275 euro

Accommodation and food during the project: Provided by Erasmus + program

Participation fee (for Georgia project only): 40 euro

This is a chain project, meaning that it will be continued by 2 more stages which must be attended by participants:

Stage 2: Training Course in St Petersburg, Russian federation 5-11 February 2016 (fee to be defined before the project);

Stage 3: Seminar in Jonsonland, Norway 01-08 April 2016 (fee to be defined before the project);

About the project: The project will cover different types of conflicts and in different settings and consequently ways of transforming conflicts by non-violent actions. The emphasis is placed on foster a constructive debate on recent conflicts in Europe and cooperation in the youth field.

This is done through applying nonviolent perspectives in peace building. Moreover, young leaders will discuss the significant role of youth participation in grassroots peace building initiatives. Trainers and invited experts will share practical skills and theoretical knowledge on the topics, through plenary sessions, discussions, workshops, creativity sessions, intercultural & interactive exercises and other non-formal educational methods.

Most important throughout the TC is the input and experience are the and mutual sharing by all participants. The background for the project are existing regional conflicts in Europe, Eastern Europe and Caucasus and the increasing tensions but also within many EU countries with regards to nationalism, racism, marginalization and other threats to democratic inclusivity and climates of participation.

Viewing the post-soviet scenario with chilled relationships and heated conflicts in different regions, conflict management and peace building are obviously among the most important issues also among young people. In Western Europe racism, xenophobia and racial discrimination are increasing not only in traditionally immigration friendly countries like Norway, Sweden and Greece - but also across Europe which is seen by the examples of national populism in Poland - tension between Russian and Estonians in Estonia, and the so-called Muhammad caricatures in France.

All of the above examples illustrate the importance of youth work in the areas of peace building, conflict transformation, human rights education and anti-discrimination. As a result, the projects aims at developing new initiatives and strategies for youth inclusion and active involvement in projects dealing with conflicts on international, national and local levels.

Deadline for application: November 7th, 2015

If you are interested in this project, please fill in the application form.



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