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Інтерактивний семінар «Професійна орієнтація для тебе»

Інтерактивний семінар «Професійна орієнтація для тебе» розкриває алгоритм вибору сфери діяльності, що найбільше відповідає нашим інтересам, цінностям, вмінням  та навикам, а також дає можливість отримувати від роботи ще й задоволення (далі - англ.)

The workshop: «Career Guidance for You» will take place on January 30, 16:00, at the ETRC (2 Skovorody St., Building #3, apt. 121, Kyiv).

Presenter: Igor Reznik, NGO «Another Life» / Coordinator of International Projects in sphere of healthy lifestyle, drug abuse prevention, leadership, personal development, and career guidance.

Does it sound familiar?  «I do not know what I want to do, but I know it is not this».

Nowadays many people are unhappy at work and want to make a change, but they have no idea what will make them Career Happy. However, the Career Guidance gives such possibility to choose right profession, which gives feeling of long-term happiness and natural abstinence of any harmful actions or inactions. 

A lot of people see intoxicants usage as kind of escapism caused by lack of proper information about career guidance, and as a result absence of interest for future work, inability to contribute, and eventually disappointment in life. They have no idea what will make them career happy.

Career is like other parts of our lives -- if we decide what we want and develop a plan to get there; we are more likely will reach it, or at least will be closer to the target and meet new good opportunities.

We are going to help:

- understand the Concept of Career Happiness;

- recognize ideal job sphere for your;

- articulate your career goals;

- assess opportunities as they arise to make a good decision;

- determine realistic possibilities to set successful course for action.

Participation is free of charge.

Working language: English

Registration: or +3 8 (093) 010-70-27


  • +3 8 (093) 010-70-27


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