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Семінар для журналістів у Берліні

Journalism-Seminar for young Journalists from Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and Russia.
Berlin, 26. April to 04. May 2013.
Theme: Political Extremism and how the State is dealing with it: The Example Berlin.

In Berlin the 1st of May is a remarkable date. Massive fights between “demonstrators” and police are fortunately a part of the past, but still today this date is used by extremists of both political sides to stage violence and actions. Naturally the State has to deal with this phenomenon.

The participants of this seminar will get an insight into the development of political extremism in Germany. Also representatives of German state structure will allow insights into how the state is dealing with these developments. Questions of legality and legitimacy will have to be posed and attempts to answer them undertaken. There will also be the topic of the usage of state power in the home countries of the participants.

This one-week journalism-seminar is aimed at enabling young journalists to get an in-depth insight into the work of a German daily newspaper and further German media. During their stay in Berlin the participants will take part in thorough seminars covering journalistic basics as well as some specific subjects. In the second half of the seminar the participants will have time for own research; also meetings and talks with relevant actors in the field of the main subject will take place.

While in Berlin, during the seminar, the participants are expected to complete an article covering a topic within the general field of political extremism. 

Applications not later than 10.04.2013 to both addresses: [email protected] and [email protected]. Any questions to: [email protected].

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