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Навчальна подорож “Реформа державного управління в країнах Вишеградської групи”

Call for participants of study trip "Public Administration Reform in Visegrad Countries: Lessons Learned for Belarus and Ukraine".

Destinations & Dates

  • Bratislava, Slovakia: 18–22 March 2013 (3 working days) – participants from Belarus – or
  • Prague, Czech Republic: 25–29 March 2013 (3 working days) – participants from Ukraine – or
  • Warsaw, Poland: 8–12 April 2013 (3 working days) – participants from Ukraine – or
  • Budapest, Hungary: 22–26 April 2013 (3 working days) – participants from Belarus

Meetings with representatives, officials, experts from municipal and regional bodies, state agencies, local unions and associations; ministries of education, health, regional development; parliamentary and senatorial committees, and think-tanks/NGOs in order to get better understanding of public administration in the Czech Republic or Poland.


  • Budgetary policy
  • Distribution and delegation of powers
  • Provision of administrative services
  • Work efficiency
  • Implementation of legislature
  • Methods of work assessment
  • and more

Participant’s profile
Young motivated professionals from Belarus and Ukraine with a strong interest in reform of public administration system, working in politics, public administration, academia or the non-governmental sector. The applicant should have at least two years work experience with public administration issues. Working knowledge of English is not necessary. Selected participants are expected to elaborate concrete policy recommendations based on their participation in study trip.

Organizer covers travel costs, accommodation, board, and visa costs.

Applications and deadline
Please send a cover letter in English/Russian explaining your interest in attending the study trip to respective country (one page at the maximum specifying country you want to visit) along with a CV in a table form at [email protected] by 22 February 2013. A bilateral jury will select the participants while the selection is based on the quality of the applicant’s CV and cover letter.

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