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Проєкт USAID: Страхування воєнних ризиків для забезпечення стійкості бізнесу

USAID Investment for Business Resilience (IBR) Activity seeks to partner with private financial intermediaries to provide or facilitate political violence insurance with focus on War Risk Insurance (WRI) for micro-, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). This initiative aims to enhance the resilience of MSMEs to war risks through use of WRI instruments, thereby promoting job creation and increased investments and sales.  IBR is prepared to provide up to $1 million in grant funding to facilitate new investments, through development/ implementation of WRI instruments or/and infrastructure for Ukrainian MSMEs. IBR is seeking applications from private financial intermediaries with a large and diverse portfolio of enterprise clients and the financial and operational resources to identify, evaluate and provide or facilitate WRI for eligible enterprises with high potential for growth in sales and employment. To learn more about this opportunity, please use the following link.

Applications in response to this RFA are due no later than July 15, 23:59 Kyiv time.

On June 25, at 16:00 Kyiv time USAID IBR staff will hold an online applicant conference where IBR will present information from this RFA about the Grant and answer any additional questions. To register for the session, please use the following link.


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