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«Ветеринари без кордонів - Канада» надають Міні-гранти на підтримку тваринництва та птахівництва




Veterinarians without Borders / Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (VWB) Canada ( is the Canadian affiliate of Vétérinaires Sans Frontières International, an international network of non-profit organizations working all over the world in the field of agriculture and livestock production, animal health and animal welfare, to support small-scale farmers. We were established as a charitable, humanitarian organization in 2005 with the mission to work for, and with, those in need to foster the health of animals, people, and the environments that sustain us. Partnering with and strengthening local institutions is a fundamental aspect of our development approach to delivering our mission. 

In response to the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine, VWB launched its Ukraine Livestock and Poultry support program, focusing primarily on the following types of interventions:  

  1. Restocking by introducing more productive breeds, 
  2. Emergency provisions of fodder and feed additives,
  3. Support to the development of a cadre of para-veterinarians, who can be equipped with veterinary drugs, vaccines, and protective equipment to enhance animal health services, and 
  4. Increase awareness among livestock owners regarding animal management, feeding practices, health maintenance, breeding, and proper husbandry techniques.  

The livestock sector in Ukraine played a vital role in the country’s agricultural economy, primarily focusing on meat and dairy production, prior to the Russian invasion. However, a recent report from the FAO highlights the significant impact of the conflict on rural communities, particularly small-scale farmers who heavily depend on livestock farming as their primary source of income. According to the report, 64% of rural households experienced an increase in livestock production costs, with 35% reporting substantial or drastic increases. These cost escalations can be attributed to several factors, including disruptions in the supply chains for animal feed and other essential inputs, damage to farms and infrastructure, and a shortage of veterinary services and animal health supplies.  

What is the Ukraine Livestock and Poultry Support Program?

This is a small grants program funded by Veterinarians without Borders Canada. The program aims to support projects with a strong focus on sustaining and restoring Ukrainian family’s livelihoods through livestock and/or poultry-based activities. VWB anticipates providing 3 – 4 grants ranging from USD 50,000 to USD 70,000. The maximum duration of the project should not be more than 3.5 months (1 September – 15 December 2023).

Who can Apply?

Ukrainian community groups, NGOs and other locally registered entities engaged in supporting local livelihoods through the promotion of livestock and poultry-based activities. These organizations should demonstrate that they play a vital role in empowering individuals, communities, and regions by enhancing agricultural practices, fostering economic growth, and improving food security. Applicants should demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the current situation in the proposed target region, which includes having a dedicated team on the ground and established connections with local authorities and community representatives.  

What activities are eligible? Proposed activities should primarily aim to support households to maintain and rebuild their livelihoods through livestock and/or poultry-focused activities. We will fund activities that have a direct, practical and immediate impact, including capacity-building programs.  We will favorably consider projects: 

  • • That primarily target smallholder, small scale farmers. 
  • • That support the provision of and access to quality veterinary services, animal feed and shelter, 
  • • That might act as a catalyst for additional development of the community or a model for similar developments in the country, 
  • • That prioritize the inclusion and empowerment of marginalized or vulnerable groups within the community, 
  • • Where applicants and their communities make a contribution in labor, materials, transport or cash, 
  • • That benefit men and women, and 
  • • That are achievable and have sustainable outcomes. 

What activities are not eligible for VWB support? We will generally NOT fund the following: 

  • • Cash grants or micro-credit schemes or projects that involve the return of money. 
  • • Commercial ventures. 
  • • Purchase of major assets, e.g. vehicles. 
  • • Overseas study tours. 
  • • International travel. 
  • • Activities that solely focus on the provision of livestock and poultry. 
  • • Roundtables. 
  • • Advocacy or lobbying campaigns. 
  • • Initiatives that pose significant environmental risks or contribute to unsustainable practices.  
  • • Activities planned for implementation in close proximity to the frontline or those that pose potential risks to the safety and well-being of project implementers and beneficiaries. 

Proposals will be approved or rejected on the basis of: 

  • • Clarity of the project proposal, including specific outputs, 
  • • The costs and the development benefits of the proposal, 
  • • Achievable and sustainable outcomes, 
  • • Soundness of the project’s objectives and design, 
  • • Practicability of the proposed implementation arrangements, and 
  • • Whether the project conforms with the objectives of the Ukraine Livestock and Poultry Support Program. 

Due diligence Assessment. 

Before entering into a grant agreement with VWB, pre-selected entities will undergo a due diligence assessment. This assessment will evaluate whether the potential recipient possesses or has the capability to obtain the required organizational structure, experience, and accounting systems needed to achieve the objectives outlined in the pre-selected projects effectively. 

Please read carefully and email your completed application (Maximum 5 pages) by 6 August 2023 (Midnight Ukraine time) to [email protected]  


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