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Підтримка громадянського суспільства та ЗМІ у відповідь на війну в Україні

Call for Project Proposals Funded by the European Union for Ukrainian Civil Society and Independent Media

Program Description

In response to the challenges imposed by the Russian war in Ukraine, the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation (BST), a project of the German Marshall Fund, is launching a new call for proposals that aims to support Ukrainian civil society organizations (CSOs) in order to mitigate the immediate and the medium to long-term impact of the russia-Ukraine war.

This call is part of Emergency Support to civil society and media in response to the Ukraine war, a project implemented in partnership with ERIM (Equal Rights Independent Media) and funded by the European Union. The project aims to strengthen the resilience and effectiveness of war-affected CSOs and civil society actors.


Proposals will address one of the following priorities:

     •   Capacity building and emergency support to relocated CSOs and independent media outlets to allow them to continue their work, including training, establishing medium to long-term strategies and programs, improving office rent, purchasing equipment, etc.

     •   Relocation support from war-torn to safe regions within Ukraine, including transportation, temporary accommodation, health, psychosocial/anti-trauma services, etc.

     •   Assistance to Internally displaced people  in accordance with their needs, including health, employment, psychosocial/anti-trauma, education, etc. The services provided, however, will not include humanitarian support.


This call aims to support CSOs and independent media but cannot cover humanitarian needs of target audiences.



     •   Non-governmental organizations and independent media outlets that are legally registered and currently operating in Ukraine.

     •   Niche civil society organizations (women and girls’ rights groups, LGBTQI+, ethnic minority groups, disability, etc.).

     •   CSOs and independent media outlets that have been affected by the war and need support to continue and build upon their work.

     •   Organizations providing help and services to IDPs.

Applications from political or religious organizations will not be considered.


Under the current call, BST will support impactful proposals spanning from 6 to 12 months, with a total budget between €18,000 and €20,000.


Application Process

Proposals must be received by midnight on October 20, 2022.


Project proposals must be sent to [email protected]. Please write ES Ukraine in the subject of the email.


To submit a project proposal, organizations must complete the forms below in Ukrainian or English languages:

• application form (English)

• budget form (English)

• application form (Ukrainian)

• budget form (Ukrainian)

Only proposals submitted using these forms will be taken into consideration.


For more information, please contact Vera Turcanu-Spatari, Program Officer, at [email protected].




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