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Конкурс грантів від посольства Словаччини в Україні

Словацьке агентство з розвитку міжнародної співпраці оголошує конкурс малих грантів. Дедлайн - 30 червня 2021 року.

The Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation, in collaboration with the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Kyiv, has launched the Call for Proposals for small grants provided to partners in Ukraine in the year 2021.

This aid modality of the Slovak Official Development Assistance is funded from SlovakAid and is aimed directly at small-scale projects which represent a more flexible, operative and effective financial support for developing countries.

The proposals must be in accordance with the Strategy of the Slovak Republic for Development Cooperation for 2019– 2023. Project proposals which are not in line with the focus of this call for proposals will not be accepted. The following sectoral priorities were selected for Ukraine in 2021:

Good governance and civil society building (SDG 16, 11) – public sector reform, public finance management, support for the rule of law and civil society participation in democratic processes, local government capacity building and active citizen participation in community development, security sector reform, activities of civilian experts in international crisis management, conflict prTraining, Events, Workshops and Conferencesion and support for reconciliation activities;

Infrastructure and sustainable use of natural resources (SDG 6,11,7,15) – water management, integrated management of water and other natural resources, revitalization and protection of endangered water resources, drinking water supply, wastewater treatment, waste management, raising environmental awareness, energy security and the use of alternative energy sources, sustainable development of settlements, increasing resilience to natural disasters, including climate change, soil protection, reducing soil degradation and drying, halting the loss of biodiversity, protecting ecosystems, restoring degraded ecosystems.

Support for the creation of a market environment (SDG 8, 9) – support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, the introduction of innovations, job creation.

Funding Information

The maximum amount of the non-repayable financial contribution is maximum 5 000EUR per project.

A maximum number of the selected projects are limited by the budget allocated for this call for proposals which is 30 000EUR.

The duration of each project is from6 to a maximum of 12 months beginning from the date of the signing of the Agreement between the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation and the Final Beneficiar




Марина Кобиляцька   1202 дні тому   #  

Доброго дня! Як зв'язатись з організаторами проекту?

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Мазипчук Максим   1191 день тому   #  

Добрий день! Зверніться, будь ласка, за контактами вказанми у повідомленні:[email protected]

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Сергій Кислий   1191 день тому   #  

Доброго дня!
У мене також запитання:
1. Як зв’язатися з організаторами проекту»?
2. Де подати заявку на конкурс?
3. Хто має право на участь у конкурсі?

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Мазипчук Максим   1191 день тому   #  

Добрий день! Детальні умови конкурсу викладені за посиланням

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Сергій Кислий   1191 день тому   #  


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