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Конкурс проектних концепцій від Фонду Прав Людини Посольства Королівства Нідерландів

Відкрито конкурс проектних концепцій в рамках Фонду Прав Людини Посольства Королівства Нідерландів. Дедлайн - 1 листопада 2020 року.

General information

Human rights are a cornerstone of the Netherlands’ foreign policy. The Netherlands strives to protect and promote human rights all over the world. The Human Rights Fund therefore helps civil society organisations that work for the cause worldwide.

Promoting human rights and supporting Ukraine’s policy in this field is a priority for the Netherlands,  because democracies governed by the rule of law provide the most fertile soil for prosperity, stability  and development.

The HRF Programme has been operational in Ukraine since 2010, focusing on promoting freedom of the media, supporting women’s and minority rights, and tackling discrimination.

*Read more about the Netherland’s international human rights policy:

2021 HRF Call for Concept Notes

The HRF Programme of the Embassy invites NGOs to submit concept notes by 1 November 2020.

It is expected that projects will start after the 1st of April, 2021.

Priority areas:

  • freedom of expression/internet freedom
  • freedom of religion and belief
  • equal rights for LGBTI
  • equal rights for women and girls
  • human rights defenders
  • international rule of law / combating impunity

Although there are no geographical priorities, local and regional NGOs are encouraged to apply. Projects focused on protection of the rights of Roma, Crimean Tartars and other minority groups can be supported if they fall under one of the priorities of the HRF Programme.

Applicants should meet the following criteria:

  • Be registered according to the Ukrainian legislation;
  • Have an adequate track record, proven management capacity, and expertise in the selected priority areas;
  • Be in operation for at least one year. 

Submission details

The project proposal should be submitted in a standard concept note form, in MS Word format. Each question must be answered in strict accordance with the required maximum of words. The font size cannot be smaller than Verdana 9.  Any concept note not meeting these basic technical requirements will be disqualified without appraisal. 

The concept note form can be downloaded from:

Concept notes should meet the following criteria:

  • Focus on one of the above-mentioned priority areas;
  • Lead to specific, measurable and meaningful results;
  • Not duplicate activities funded by other donors;
  • Be written in proper English. No Google translation will be accepted;
  • The requested contribution should range between UAH 1.500.000 and UAH 2.000.000; or up to UAH 3.500.000 in case of a partnership/consortium projects with sub-grants to one or more NGOs (with a special focus on NGOs in the regions and small communities);
  • Maximum project duration: 24 months;
  • Twinning with Dutch civil society organisations may be considered.

Concept notes should be sent to: [email protected]

Please write the subject of your e-mail in the following way: 2021 HRF Call / Your organisation’s name.

The project selection will take place by 1 December 2020.  All applicants will be informed of the results by e-mail. The applicants of the selected concept notes will be invited to submit a detailed project proposal for the consideration of the selection committee.



Естер Андріяко   1456 днів тому   #  

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