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Грант для культурних та мистецьких ініціатив, які висвітлюють екологічну тематику

Фонд Принца Клауса та Goethe-Institut оголошують конкурс пропозицій на підтримку культурних та мистецьких ініціатив, спрямованих на вирішення актуальних екологічних проблем у світі. Дедлайн - 14 червня 2019 року.

Більше можливостей для отримання фінансування у розділі «Гранти»

The Prince Claus Fund and the Goethe-Institut are issuing a new Call for Proposals to support cultural and artistic initiatives tackling pressing environmental issues around the world.

Deadline: 14 June 2019.  

This call for proposals is aimed at Africa, Latin America, Asia, the Caribbean and Eastern Europe. It seeks to support initiatives that enable local communities as well as global institutions to engage with the threatening changes of nature and our environment through contemporary artistic and cultural interventions. They encourages ground-breaking cultural initiatives by individual artists, creative professionals as well as cultural organizations; especially initiatives that express how the arts and new media can propose solutions to environmental issues and create alternatives that support sustainability and foster cooperation and an exchange of new ideas globally.

The Prince Claus Fund and the Goethe-Institut are specifically looking to support initiatives that: 

  • Employ new media to re-imagine a more sustainable world, and provide space for different perspectives within the sustainability discussion
  • Promote the inclusion of women and minority groups.
  • Support concrete cultural initiatives that enable local impact while encouraging a global exchange on culture of sustainability and climate justice.
  • Encourage out of the box initiatives by artists and cultural practitioners looking to re-imagine conventional approaches to environmental sustainability and climate justice.
  • Support the development of artistic and creative initiatives that reinforce and rethink traditional knowledge and methods as a means to promote sustainability and climate justice.
  • Stimulate and inspire communities to use sustainable materials and resources within their own contexts and practice.

With this call for proposals the Prince Claus Fund and the Goethe-Institut would like to invite artists and cultural practitioners to envision a future for our planet that is more environmentally friendly, and to propose their cultural/artistic responses to how they can jointly get there. They would like to challenge all interested in this call to create innovative concepts that link artistic cultural engagement to environmental sustainability and climate justice. 

Funding Information

The Prince Claus Fund and the Goethe-Institut will support initiatives within the financial range of €15,000 – €20,000. 

Place and Duration 

No support will be provided retroactively, i.e. to projects in implementation or projects already implemented.

Projects must start implementation from March 2020, and be implemented by April 2021 at the latest.

Eligible Candidates 

Support is only given to individual persons or organizations living, registered and working in DAC-listed countries. Individuals applying for the call must be citizens of one of the countries.

In the case of a collaborative project with individuals or organizations from outside the eligible countries, the above criteria apply to the main applicant.

Eligible Applications

Previous grantees of the Prince Claus Fund may not apply for a new grant unless the previous project that received funding is finished and closed before the application submission deadline for this call.

Projects with the involvement of the Goethe-Institut are eligible to apply.

Eligible Expenses

This call only covers project-related expenses, and not running (operating) costs for organizations. 

How to Apply 

Download the application form via the given website.  

For more information, visit this link


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"Дедлайн - 14 червня 2019 року"
"Support is only given to individual persons or organizations..."

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How to Apply
Download the application form via the given website.
For more information, visit this link.

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