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Гранти для журналістів від
07.05.2019 у рамках програми European Cross-Border Grants шукає професійних журналістів, які мають хороші ідеї для транскордонних розслідувань і дослідження з європейських справ. Матеріли повинні бути спрямовані на європейську цільову аудиторію.

Більше можливостей для отримання фінансування у розділі «Гранти»

Deadline: 15 July 2019 is seeking applications for its European Cross-Border Grants to support professional journalists, who have good ideas for cross-border investigations and for research on European affairs. The stories must be relevant to European target groups.

Grant Information

In 2019, there is €195,000 to distribute over four application rounds. The money comes from Adessium Foundation and Open Society Foundations.

Eligibility Criteria

  • supports journalists living in a Council of Europe country (geographical Europe). When relevant for the story, team members from elsewhere can be accepted, too.
    • Applicants must be working as professional journalists.
    • Only natural persons are eligible.
    • Students are not eligible.
    • Journalists who were previously allocated a working grant can reapply, but the jury will include the result of previous working grants in their evaluation of the new application.

How to Apply

Applicants can apply online via given website.

For more information, please visit this link.


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