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Конкурс грантів від «Антикорупційної ініціативи ЄС в Україні»

«Антикорупційна ініціатива ЄС в Україні» надає гранти на підтримку проектів з протидії корупції. Дедлайн - 15 травня 2019 р.

The European Union Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI), funded by the European Union, co-funded and implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (DANIDA), consolidates efforts directed at assisting Ukraine’s anti-corruption reforms. The EUACI overall objective is “to improve the implementation of anti-corruption policy in Ukraine, thereby ultimately contributing to a reduction in corruption”.

To contribute to this objective, the programme supports all key anti-corruption institutions in the flow of anti-corruption justice in Ukraine, from prevention to investigation, prosecution and recovery in line with international norms and the best European practices as well as the parliamentary and civilian oversight of the execution of the anti-corruption policy.

The goal of this call for proposals is to support national level civil society organizations (CSOs) within the field of anti-corruption aiming to engage with regional and local level CSOs and civic initiatives fighting corruption to deliver the state reforms, and to implement extensive advocacy and oversight.

The objective of the call for proposal is to support CSOs activities focused on:

  • application and promotion of accountability and transparency mechanisms on national, regional and local level;
  • oversight over and monitoring of anti-corruption reforms delivery on national, regional and local level;
  • support to dialogue on anti-corruption reforms implementation between civil society, government, business and other stakeholders;
  • anti-corruption advocacy and raising awareness campaign;
  • civic education for youth and youth involvement in finding innovative ways to address corruption.

 For more information follow the link:



  • Questions for the call for proposal should be addressed to Nataliya Vasyukhnik
  • Civil Society Specialist at [email protected] no later than May 3
  • 2019 17:00 Kyiv time


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