Міжнародний Вишеградський Фонд надає гранти за програмою «Вишеград+». Грантова програма підтримує проекти, пов'язані з демократизацією та трансформаційними процесами у країнах Вишеградської четвірки, Східного Партнерства та Західних Балкан. Дедлайн - 1 жовтня 2018 року.
Більше грантів у розділі Гранти.
International Visegrad Fund is seeking applications for its Visegrad+ Grant program to support projects which contribute to the democratization and transformation processes in selected countries and regions, especially non-EU member states in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership countries.
Visegrad+ Grants is a grant program run and financed by the International Visegrad Fund (hereinafter referred to as the “Fund”) aimed at facilitating support from the V4 countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) primarily towards the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) and countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) hereinafter referred to as “target country”.
Visegrad+ Grants shall contribute to the development of the target countries mainly via facilitating the dissemination of the V4 countries’ know-how and good practices with a focus on democratization, the development of civil society, political, economic and social transformation, EU approximation and EU integration, good governance and regional cooperation. The Fund shall publish thematic priorities, set by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the V4 countries, on which Visegrad+ Grants projects should focus.
Priority Areas
Eligibility Criteria
How to Apply
Our unified application form for Visegrad Grants, Visegrad+ Grants or Visegrad Strategic Grants is available through an on-line system at http://my.visegradfund.org. Registering a new proposal is possible only ca. 30 days before each given deadline. Registering is possible only with a valid email address.