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Гранти на проекти з міграції від National Geographic

Майстри сторітеллінгу, захисники природи, викладачі та дослідники запрошуються подавати заявки на грант. До розгляду приймаються проекти, що документують міграційні процеси. Дедлайн – 10 липня 2018 року (далі - англ.).

Більше грантів у розділі Гранти

There are over 65 million refugees in the world today and millions more “environmental migrants” are expected over the coming decades. These migrations are challenging social bonds and resource allocations across the world, motivating political agendas and potential backlash, but also creating new and dynamic multicultural communities. The goal of this RFP is to support impactful projects that – through education or storytelling – seek to increase understanding of and acceptance of migrants and migrant communities. Types of human migrations include (but are not limited to) nomadic communities, refugees of all kinds, migrant labor, victims of human trafficking, and people exploring the planet and beyond.


Priority will be given to projects that aim to do one or more of the following through education or storytelling:

  • Document the causes and effects of one or more examples of present-day human migration;
  • Document the lives of present-day migrants, their journeys, and receiving communities.
  • Develop and test out classroom resources, curricula, or public outreach materials that aim to increase understanding of the migrant experience and acceptance of  migrant communities.

Typical proposal requests should be less than $30,000; however, applicants may request up to $70,000. Up to 20 percent of the total can be used as a stipend for the applicant and/or team members. (Please see the Preparing Your Proposal page regarding stipend eligibility and other budgetary guidance.) All applications should explicitly state the plan for evaluating the impact of the proposed work on particular audiences.

When applying for this RFP, please select The Human Journey in the Lens dropdown menu on the Project Description tab of the application. 



  • [email protected]
  • National Geographic Headquarters


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