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Стипендія для митців та працівників культури на поїздки до країн ЄС

EUCIDA Travel Award Fund пропонує стипендії для митців у цифровій сфері та працівників культури (зареєстрованих на платформі EUCIDA) для візитів до країн Європи в рамках програми мобільності. Дедлайн – 30 листопада 2018 року (далі - англ.).

Більше грантів у розділі Гранти

We are delighted to announce the EUCIDA Travel Award Fund and to launch this call out for digital artists and cultural workers (registered on the EUCIDA platform) to take part inEuropean Mobility visits.

Please apply by 30th November for the first round of Travel Awards.

EUCIDA is a Creative Europe funded project led by RUA RED South Dublin Arts Centre Company (Ireland), in partnership with Espace multimedia gantner (France) and Rezeknes novada pasvaldiba (Latvia). It is an interactive and innovative community of digital artists and cultural workers connecting to imagine new ways of artistic mobility, to use technologies as means of sharing  experience, creative practice and professional opportunities transnationally both for artists and new publics in reality and virtually. EUCIDA wants to make digital arts accessible to a non-arts audience, and bring a wider public debate on arts and technology through a programme of ambitious and unique experiences.

The Travel Award Fund supports the development of cultural diversity within new media/ digital arts by enabling artists and practitioners to travel, to show their works, exchange ideas and experiences and will award each successful applicant with a financial contribution of up to €500.

Additional important information: 

To apply, each applicant must:

  • Be registered on the EUCIDA Project Platform
  • Live in an EU Member Country Programme (Including EUMS, EEA, ENP, and Swiss Confederation are eligible)
  • Submit C.V. showing experience and qualifications
  • Provide quality work samples/evidence of creative work
  • Include a Statement of Intent including:

N.B. You must provide copies of accommodation/transport tickets/supporting documentation asap during/after travel to prove that travel has occurred in line with the travel award outline and Creative Europe guidelines.  

EUCIDA will not need a detailed budget to be pre-approved or submitted post-award. The award of €500 is final and this amount may/may not cover the entire cost of the successful applicant’s trip  

Send above information to Anita Griffin, Project Manager [email protected] ccing Maoliosa Boyle [email protected].

The maximum financial contribution for a Travel Award is €500. Applicants seeking Travel Awards for all eligible opportunities must submit their application at least four weeks before their proposed date of travel. 

The duration of the project must fall between September 2017 – June 2019.

Priority will be given to applicants who can demonstrate one or more of the three priorities of the EUCIDA Project – Transnational Mobility, Audience Development and/ or Capacity Building – Digitisation.




Євгеній Малецький   2229 днів тому   #  

Насколько понял - по тексту релиза и при попытке заполнить электронную форму - эта программа не распространяется на граждан Украины:
1) "Additional important information:
To apply, each applicant must:
Be registered on the EUCIDA Project Platform
Live in an EU Member Country Programme (Including EUMS, EEA, ENP, and Swiss Confederation are eligible)"
2) В перечне стран нет Украины

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Щербаков Максим   2227 днів тому   #  

Доброго дня!
Україна входить до країн ENP (European Neighbourhood Policy), отже, програма доступна для громадян України.
З повагою, Максим Щербаков.

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Євгеній Малецький   2225 днів тому   #  

Доброго вечера!
Позвольте уточняющий повторный вопрос.
Указано в условиях:
"To apply, each applicant must:
Be registered on the EUCIDA Project Platform"
По ссылке идёт переход на страничку
где в графе "Country* в выпадающем меню надо указать, так понимаю свою страну, но Украина там не представлено.
И что выбирать?

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  •   Пiдписатися на новi

Щоб розмістити свою новину, відкоментувати чи скопіювати потрібний текст, зареєструйтеся та на портал.