Програма «Cultural Bridges» шукає Партнерів для проведення десяти семінарів з управління культурою в 2018 та 2019 роках для представників малих міст України. П'ять семінарів відбудуться в 2018 році та ще п'ять – у 2019 році. Дедлайн – 22 травня 2018 року.
Більше грантів у розділі Гранти
The cities will be identified jointly by the Programme Team, Delivery Partner and Programme Steering Committee.
Some of the workshops will be organised for representatives of city councils and local government who are working in the field of culture. At least five workshops will be delivered for independent cultural operators.
At the end of each workshop, participants will be able to bid for seed funding of up to €2,500 to implement a cultural project in their locality. All applications will be assessed by the expert trainers/Delivery Partner, and confirmed by the Programme Director, who will award two grants for each workshop group (20 in total).
Workshop requirements:
The total estimated budget for each workshop is €5,000 including service fees and all necessary taxes.
To find out more about all details and how to apply, please download this document.
Contacts: Irina Prokofieva at [email protected], +380 44 490 5600.
Source: http://www.britishcouncil.org.ua/en/culture-bridges/calls/cultural-workshops-delivery-partner