Шведське агентство з питань міжнародного співробітництва (Sida) оголошує конкурс грантів за програмою «Planning Grants Program». Гранти надаються організаціям, які зацікавлені у зміцненні партнерств та відкритті нових ринкових можливостей для впровадження технологій, що поліпшуватимуть стан довкілля або сприятимуть подоланню бідності. Дедлайн - 4 березня 2018 року (далі - англ.).
Більше грантів у розділі Гранти
Could your technology contribute to a better environment and help to reduce poverty? Do you want to explore a new market for your product?
A grant for planning activities can help you strengthen your partnerships and explore new market opportunities for your technology or business model.
Applicants must fulfil the following eligibility requirements:
Note that no organisation, private or public, is eligible for funds if it is involved in any of the following:
Applications are scored based on six key areas:
Projects must fulfil the following eligibility requirements:
Examples on suitable project activities:
Examples on the types of costs that can be covered by grants for Planning activities:
The maximum amount available for a grant application referring to Planning activities is SEK 350,000. Grant applications for Planning activities does not require the availability of other sources of financing, although it may be considered favourable during the selection process.
Ineligible Costs
The following costs are not eligible for funding and will not be reimbursed:
Source: https://tillvaxtverket.se/english/demo-environment-programme/grants-for-planning-activities.html