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Гранти на дослідження від Counterpart International

Counterpart International надає фінансування на дослідження, присвячені тематиці інтернет-врядування та свободи у Мережі. Дедлайн - 28 лютого 2018 року (далі - англ.).

Більше грантів у розділі Гранти

COUNTERPART seeks an individual, organization or firm to provide a research paper on policies governing the internet to inform and benefit internet freedom within four targeted countries (Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe) to confirm that policies conform to international standards on fundamental human rights including freedom of expression, access to information, and privacy, among others. As practical dissemination of the research paper, Counterpart expects an individual, organization or firm to develop an advocacy plan and implement it with the period of the contract.

Research should address policy, political, technical, international standards of human rights, and/or social factors affecting internet governance, access, and marginalized community empowerment in one of the targeted countries.

The research product should identify and analyze the policy landscape, actors (governmental, and nongovernmental), national, regional, international instruments and/or political dynamics impacting internet governance, online rights, censorship, and accessibility.

Research should identify threats to rights, particularly against traditionally marginalized communities in one of the targeted countries and provide recommendations for at least 2-3 stakeholders including government and civil society (e.g. policy reforms for government; advocacy actions for civil society, and/or contributions by the private sector for tech and policy solutions).

Research may identify, measure and document threats to internet access such as deliberate network shutdowns, throttling, blocking, and disruptions to popular messaging and social media applications.

Papers lengths should be between 10-30 pages and include an executive summary/abstract, research methodology, analysis of the problem, identification and role of relevant actors in the space, and recommendations. Research may include the use of questionnaires or interviews to present data on individual experiences, choices, or preferences. Research should provide supporting citations for outside reference material.

The research paper should serve as a base for an advocacy action that should be completed within the contract period.

Quotations in response to this RFP must be priced on a fixed-price, all-inclusive basis, including delivery and all other costs. Pricing must be presented in US dollars and not exceed $5,000. Offers must remain valid for not less than ninety (90) calendar days after the offer deadline. Offerors are requested to provide quotations on official letterhead or format.




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