Шведське агентство з питань міжнародного співробітництва (Sida) оголошує конкурс грантів за програмою «Demonstration Grants Program». Гранти надаються організаціям, які впроваджують у своїх країнах новітні іноземні технології, що поліпшуватимуть стан довкілля або сприятимуть подоланню бідності. Дедлайн - 14 лютого 2018 року (далі - англ.).
Більше грантів у розділі Гранти
Are you an organisation in one of the 14 available countries? Are you looking to import technology that would be new to your country? Would this technology have a beneficial impact on the environment, and help reduce poverty?
Demonstration Projects are international technology and knowledge exchanges involving new and sustainable solutions which positively and measurably impact the environment and poverty reduction.
Applicants must fulfil the following eligibility requirements:
Note that no organisation, private or public, is eligible for funds if it is involved in any of the following:
Applications are scored based on six key areas:
Projects must fulfil the following eligibility requirements:
Examples of the costs that can be covered by Demonstration Projects grants are:
Technology or equipment investments should make up a substantial proportion of the total project cost.
The grant can range from SEK 500,000 to 1,800,000. Tillväxtverket can fund up to 50 percent of your invoiced equipment costs and up to 80 percent of your invoiced costs for services. The remaining 50 percent and 20 percent, respectively, must come from co-financing from the applicant or other private or public sources such as an international organisation or a public institution.
Tillväxtverket pays the approved costs retrospectively and the Grant Recipient must show that its share has already been paid. The Grant will be disbursed as follows:
20 %- of the approved grant after the technology has been ordered from the partner
60 % - of the approved grant when the technology is in use and an onsite monitoring inspection has been conducted
20 % - of the approved grant after marketing and communication activities have been carried out in accordance with the agreed project plan
The following costs are not eligible for funding and will not be reimbursed:
Source: https://tillvaxtverket.se/english/demo-environment/demonstration-grants.html