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Нагорода World of Children Awards 2018 для організацій, що покращують життя дітей

Нагорода покликана забезпечити фінансування та визнання недержавних неприбуткових організацій з усього світу, що змінюють життя дітей на краще. Щороку премією нагороджуються 5 номінантів, які створюють кращі умови життя для дітей з вразливих соціальних груп. Дедлайн – 31 березня 2018 року. 

Більше грантів у розділі Гранти 
Премія відзначає найкращі організації, що займаються підтримкою та розвитком культурних, освітніх проектів, спрямованих на дітей, охороною  здоров’я і подібними сферами. Обсяг премії – в межах 50 000 доларів США. Премія присуджується незалежно від політичних, географічних кордонів, релігійної приналежності тощо (далі – англ.)
Award Categories and Grant Information:
  • The Protection Award is specifically for those providing services and protection from fear, abuse, and exploitation (including but not limited to trafficking, slavery and sexual imposition).
  • The Education
  • The Health Award is for those providing services specifically in the fields of health, nutrition, medicine and pediatric sciences.
  • The Youth Award is specifically for a young person under the age of 21 who is making extraordinary contributions in helping other youth.

Eligibility Criteria

  • General requirements:
    • Nominees must have an existing nonprofit, not-for-profit, NGO, or charity organization in good standing. The organization must be able to receive grant funds if Awarded.
    • The Nominee must be the founder, co-founder, or visionary leader responsible for the organization’s success and growth. Volunteers and paid staff, including the organization’s executive director, are not qualified for an Award.
    • The Nominee’s organization must be entirely focused on helping children, especially vulnerable children. Organizations serving a substantial number of adults, while wonderful in their own right, do not align with this mission and may be disqualified.
    • Nominees must do this work over and above their normal employment. Alternatively, the Nominee must work for little or no pay.
    • World of Children excludes any work designed to specifically advance any one religion or political position. The Board of Governors of World of Children reserves the right to exclude Nominations it deems to be religious or political in nature.
    • Individuals nominated for the Education, Health, Humanitarian or Protection Awards must have been doing this work with their organization for a minimum of 10 years. Nominees with less than 10 years of work will be disqualified.
    • The organization led by the Nominee in the categories of Education, Health, Humanitarian or Protection Awards must have been registered as a nonprofit, not-for-profit, NGO, or charity organization for a minimum of 10 years. Nominees with organizations having less than a 10-year history will be disqualified.
    • The Nominee must have full knowledge that they are being nominated. They strongly recommend that the person you are nominating and the related organization assist you in completing the nomination form.
    • The Nominee must be available to participate in the annual Awards Ceremonies held in New York City, USA, if he or she is selected as an Honoree. Travel and accommodations will be arranged and paid for by World of Children.
    • Nominees can only be nominated for one Award. Individuals submitted for multiple categories will be disqualified.
    • Only one individual from an organization can be nominated. If multiple individuals are nominated from the same organization, World of Children retains the right to select which Nomination Form/application to review, solely at its discretion.
    • If the Nominee is selected as a finalist, they must be willing to submit to a full investigation. A third party investigation firm will screen and vet all finalists and their organizations in a formal review process which substantiates their work.

Specific requirements for Youth Award Nominees:

  • Youth Nominees can only be nominated for the Youth Award. They must be 21 years old or younger when submissions close on March 31, 2018 to be eligible.
  • The organization led by the Nominee in the Youth Award category must have been registered as a nonprofit, not-for-profit, NGO, or charity organization for a minimum of three years. Youth Nominees with organizations having less than a three-year history will be disqualified.
  • Individuals nominated for the Youth Award must have been doing this work with their organization for a minimum of three years. Youth Nominees with less than three years of work will be disqualified.

How to Apply: Interested applicants can apply online via given website.




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