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Гранти на проекти з охорони природи від EOCA

The European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA) запрошує подавати заявки на підтримку проектів спрямованих на охорону природи. Дедлайн - 30 листопада 2017 р. (далі - англ.).

Більше грантів у розділі Гранти.

The European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA) is seeking applications from eligible non-profit organizations for its funding program to implement conservation projects in any country around the world except North America.

The outdoor sector and the millions of people who enjoy the great outdoors are active champions for the conservation of nature and wild places.

Funding Information

Available grants of up to €30,000 to implement a conservation project.

Project Outcomes

  • Conservation measures addressing specific issues and root causes
  • Involvement / engagement of local people
  • Education and communication
  • Be measurable and time orientated
  • Provide a legacy

Eligibility Criteria

  • Non profit organisations can apply to the Association for grants to implement a conservation project in any country around the world except North America (where the Conservation Alliance provides funding for conservation efforts from the North American outdoor industry).
  • Projects must protect a threatened species or habitat AND have a link to the outdoor user.
  • All projects MUST involve hands-on conservation work.
  • Members of the European Outdoor Conservation Association can nominate up to three projects (from different, or the same organisations) each year.
  • The projects to successfully win funding will be chosen from the shortlist via a public vote. The public vote is held in conjunction with a range of national magazines throughout Europe.

Eligible Projects

Projects must:

  • Protect, enhance or restore threatened key species, habitats or broader ecosystems in ‘wild’ areas
  • Consider the needs of the outdoor enthusiast

How to Apply


  •   Пiдписатися на новi

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