Утрехтський університет (Utrecht University) в Нідерландах пропонує стипендіальну програму для іноземних студентів, які вступають до магістратури. У 2017 році навчальний заклад виділяє 20-25 грантів для кандидатів з відмінною успішністю за результатами програми бакалавріату. Грант покриває вартість навчання. Можлива додаткова фінансова допомога в розмірі 11000 євро. Дедлайн - 1 лютого 2017 р. (далі - англ.).
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible for an Utrecht Excellence Scholarship, you must
How to apply
After submitting an application for the Master’s programme, non-EU/EEA students will have the option to submit an application for an Utrecht Excellence Scholarship.
You will need to upload the following document:
Please note that students starting their programme in February are not eligible for the Utrecht Excellence Scholarships.
You will be informed about the scholarship after you have been (un)conditionally admitted to the programme.
Scholarship amount
The Utrecht Excellence scholarship can be awarded as:
As the grant is not automatically a full scholarship, it may be necessary to find additional funding to be able to finance your studies and stay completely. Students requiring a residence permit in the Netherlands must prove to the IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Office) that they have sufficient financial means. Read more about the budget the University advises.
Number of scholarships
20-25 scholarships are available for 2017-2018, divided over the 6 Graduate Schools.
The scholarship is awarded for the duration of the degree programme, which is one or two years, depending on the degree programme. The scholarship will only be renewed for the second year if the student is making satisfactory progress towards the degree.
Prospective students who wish to be considered for the scholarship must apply before February 1 (00:00 Dutch time). Your application for a scholarship will only be processed if you have submitted an application for a Master’s programme as well. Please note that in some cases you may need to apply before December 1; check the ‘When to apply’ section under Admission and application of your master’s programme.
Selection criteria
Eligible candidates are selected for a scholarship on the basis of the following criteria:
The funds for the scholarships come from the Utrecht Excellence Scholarship Fund, established by Utrecht University and from contributions by Utrecht University alumni.
Read more: http://bit.ly/1FPzd0y