Фонд демократії ООН запрошує організації громадянського суспільства подавати заявки на фінансування проектів, спрямованих на просування та підтримку демократії. Заявки приймаються англійською або французькою мовою. Аплікаційна форма відкрита з 18 листопада по 18 грудня 2016 року (далі - англ.).
The United Nations Democracy Fund invites civil society organizations to apply for funding for projects to advance and support democracy during the annual proposal window, which is due to open in 18 November 2016 at www.un.org/democracyfund/. Only on-line proposals during this period, in either English or French, will be accepted.
UNDEF projects are two years long. Applicants can request a grant of a minimum of 100,000 US dollars and a maximum of 300,000 US dollars.
1. Online Project Proposal System
2. Long List
Proposals are subjected to a thorough process of assessment, quality control and due diligence. An initial examination by a team of independent assessors is conducted, a process in which all applications are judged on their inherent quality and scored according to the following criteria:
3. Short-List
The long list produced by the team of independent assessors is then examined by the Fund’s Programme Consultative Group -- comprising the Department of Political Affairs, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Development Programme, the UN Development Fund for Women and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime -- in consultation with United Nations Resident Coordinators in the field.
4. UNDEF Board
The Programme Consultative Group review yields a short list which is reviewed by the UNDEF Advisory Board -- comprising Governments, civil society and individuals.
5. UN Secretary-General
The final short list is then submitted to the UN Secretary-General for approval, usually in May or June.
6. Project Document
Once the short list is approved by the Secretary-General, the proposal moves into the final stage in the selection process: the negotiation of a project document, which is in effect the contract between UNDEF and the grantee. This negotiation requires the applicant to provide a more elaborated project design, and involves detailed input from both UNDEF and the applicant, as well as scrutiny and due diligence enquiries by UNDEF. Only upon successful conclusion of the project document, and its approval by the United Nations Controller, will the project proposal formally be approved for funds disbursement. This can be expected to happen in September at the earliest.
More information: http://bit.ly/2f6wyJ8
Вибачте,до якого числа та місяця можна подати проект....
Доброго дня, пані Людмило. Дедлайн - 18 грудня 2016 р.
Де можна знайти підсумки конкурсу за 2016 рік від ФДООН, заявка 35246_UKR, Асоціація "Нові Горизонти" м. Дрогобич
Доброго дня, пане Олександр! Орієнтовно в червні представники ФДООН звяжуться з відібраними кандидатами. Детальніша інформація за посиланням http://www.un.org/democracyfund/node/333.
У формах 11 конкурсу позначки TENTH FUNDING ROUND.
Це помилка? Чи не завантажені відповідні?
Доброго дня, пані Ларисо! Зверніться, будь ласка, за контактною адресою [email protected], до представників ФДООН.