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Стипендії на навчання у Вестмінстерському університеті

Дедлайн: 14 жовтня 2016 р. Університет Вестмінстера пропонує стипендію іноземним студентам, які вирішили навчатися на одній із програм магістратури університету. У стипендіальній програмі беруть участь всі програми магістратури університету (далі - англ.).

The Westminster University offers full tuition fee scholarships to prospective postgraduate applicants from any country.

Host Institution(s):

University of Westminster, United Kingdom

Field of study:

Any full-time Master’s Degree Programme offered at the University except MBA

Target group:

Students from any country

Scholarship value/inclusions:

Full tuition fee award only


You must hold an offer for a full-time Masters Program at the University of Westminster.  The main scholarship criteria are: Equivalent to a UK First Class Honours degree and financial need.

Application instructions:

You should only apply for a scholarship once you have applied for admission and successfully been offered a place (either conditional or unconditional) on the course you wish to study.  To apply for a scholarship, you will need to complete the relevant scholarship application form. The deadline for January 2017 entry is 14 October 2016.

It is important to visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.

More information

International undergraduate and postgraduate scholarship applicants must send their application to us by post. Due to the volume of applications we receive we cannot accept any applications via email.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the application is received before the deadline date. Due to our very tight timescales we cannot accept applications which are received late or with a postmark of the deadline date.

Scholarships Office
University of Westminster
Cavendish House
101 New Cavendish Street
London W1W 6XH
United Kingdom



Яна Брик   2865 днів тому   #  

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Максим Мазипчук   2864 дні тому   #  

Доброго вечора, пані Яно! Дякуємо, що слідкуєте за оновленнями на порталі ГУРТ. Подавати заявку на дану стипендію можуть громадяни будь якої країни. Більш детальні умови відбору Ви можете переглянути за посиланням

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