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Стипендії студентам для навчання у Канаді

Humber offers full and partial renewable tuition scholarships for NEW international undergraduate students beginning classes in January and September 2017.

Host Institution(s):

Humber College in Toronto, Canada

Field of study:

Elibible undergraduate programmes offered at the College

Target group:

International Students

Scholarship value/duration:

One full tuition scholarship and one $5,000 scholarship are available in January 2017. Two full tuition scholarships and two $5,000 scholarships are available in September 2017.  The scholarships will be applied toward the successful students’ tuition fees.

The scholarships are renewable but the student must maintain a minimum average of 75% in order to be eligible for renewal.


Applications will be considered based on academics, community involvement, referee/reference letters and statement of interest.

Application instructions:

You must first apply for admissions before you can apply for the scholarship. The scholarship application form will be included in your acceptance package.  Deadline for applications is 30 September 2016 for the January 2017 intake or 19 May 2017 for the September 2017 intake.

It is important to visit the official website for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.

More information.



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