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Стипендії від Центру вивчення міжнародних відносин та розвитку (Іспанія)

Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) is an independent and non-partisan think tank based in Barcelona, dedicated to the study, research and analysis of international affairs. Its areas of geographical expertise include Europe, Latin America, the former Soviet space, the Mediterranean and the Middle East, with a particular focus on issues such as regionalism, international migrations, intercultural dialogue and democratic governance.

CIDOB is launching the fellowship program EVROSEEDS for visitors from Ukraine.

What we offer:

A grant for a 6 month-stay (October 2016 onwards) in the vibrant city of Barcelona working with the research team of CIDOB, in a dynamic, multicultural and multilingual environment.

The EVROSEEDS grant includes:

  • Return fare (in economy class)
  • Financial support to pay for accommodation (within reason)
  • A per diem of 40 euros approx.
  • Support with the Schengen visa procedures (e.g., letter of invitation, etc.)

Candidate profile

  • 23-35 years old
  • Possible professional profiles: think tank analyst, researcher, civil society leader, practitioner, journalist, blogger or similar, with potential capacity to build upon this experience for a future multiplying effect at home.
  • Proved commitment in improving local or national governance and democratic processes
  • Strong interest in major European affairs, advocacy for democratic transformation and social/political rapprochement among European countries and peoples
  • Good command of English (spoken and written)

How to apply

Submit an up to date CV (max. 2 pages) and letter of interest (max. 1 page) explaining: (1) what are your expectations regarding your visit to CIDOB; (2) what could be your contribution to CIDOB’s activities; and (3) what multiplying effect this experience can have at home upon your return.

Submit your application to: [email protected]

Deadline for applications: August 25 th 2016

Selected candidates will be contacted from September 2016.

More information:



Світлана Щегель   2905 днів тому   #  

Замість pdf файлу - 404 Not Found. Там якась додаткова інформація, чи та сама?

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Омельченко Валерія   2905 днів тому   #  

Доброго дня, Світлано, інформація у файлі дублює текст оголошення. За додатковою інформацією звертайтесь, будь ласка, за зазначеними у новині контактами або шукайте на сайті організації

Дякуємо за інтерес до новин на порталі ГУРТ!

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Світлана Щегель   2905 днів тому   #  

Валерія, дякую за відповідь!

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