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Гранти від Британської Ради для організацій, що працюють у сфері культури

Британська Рада надає мистецьким організаціям гранти для посилення співпраці між українським та європейськими культурними інституціями (далі - англ.).

As part of its annual Arts Programme, the British Council wishes to support Ukraine’s participation in Creative Europe by offering small research / travel awards for UK or Ukraine-based cultural organisations to explore collaboration with each other and produce a joint application to the Creative Europe Programme. 

We want to enhance Ukraine’s ability to access the new, significant funding opportunities available under Creative Europe, and support the development of stronger partnerships between cultural communities in both communities.

Awards of up to £2,400 are available to fund travel and living costs for two visits between UK and Ukrainian institutions. These may take the form of either two separate visits (in either direction) by individuals or two individuals on one visit.

The award is intended to enable applicants to meet a potential partner to explore, scope out, plan and produce a joint application to the Creative Europe Programme (deadline 5 October, 2016).

Who? This call is open to registered Ukrainian and UK cultural organisations and other relevant sectoral institutions (trade associations, creative enterprises) with an existing relationship which seek to develop a collaboration and an application to the Creative Europe programme. Applicants and their partners must be eligible to apply to the 2016 calls for Creative Europe.

How? Fill in the application form following the guidance notes, and send it before Tuesday 31 May, 2016. Successful applicants will be notified before 30 June, 2016. Applications need to be submitted in English.

More information:



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