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Гранти у межах програми «Demo Environment» (Sida)

Програма Demo Environment спрямована на сталий розвиток та зменшення бідності завдяки активізації партнерських відносин та поширенню знань про інновативні технологічні рішення. Неприбуткові та прибуткові організації, академічні установи та фонди можуть брати участь у двох грантових конкурсах у межах грантової програми (Planning Grants та Demonstration Project Grants) (далі - англ.).

Demo Environment is a programme that aims to promote sustainability and reduce poverty by developing partnerships and knowledge about new and innovative technical solutions.

There are two rounds of calls for applications each year. The first call opens on December 14th 2015 and closes on 18th March 2016. The first step of Application for Demonstration Projects has its deadline on 19 February 2016.

Selection/Evaluation Criteria

Impact: Your project must be very likely to have a direct or indirect impact on the environment and reduce poverty. It must also be potentially replicable.

Location: Your project is to be implemented in one of the 11 selected countries and you must demonstrate strong local ownership (that the project and technology transfer are based on real needs in the host country).

Partnership: Your project must be developed and implemented in a partnership (minimum two partners, each with a proven capacity to implement the type of project).

Funding: It must be possible to implement your project within the specified budget and time frame (one year for planning grants and no more than two years for Demonstration project grants).

Additionality: You must show that your project is unlikely to be implemented (in the same way, timeframe or scope) without financial aid from Demo Environment.

For Planning Grants

  • Planning Grants are awarded to support activities aimed at strengthening partnerships, exploring market opportunities, and introducing technology or business models to new markets.
  • The maximum Planning Grant is SEK 350,000.
  • It must be possible to implement the activity within a maximum of one year.
  • The same partnership cannot be awarded more than one Planning Grant.

For Demonstration Project Grants

  • One partner must act as the principal partner (the Applicant) when submitting your application.
  • The principal partner must play a key role in the project implementation.
  • The funds are paid to the Applicant (the buyer of the imported technology). The Applicant must be based and legally registered in one of the 11 selected countries, and have identified a foreign seller of the technology required for the project. The buyer and seller must have signed a partnership agreement before submitting the application.
  • Projects demonstrating technology that is new to either the country or context for the project, but has been tested and sold in another country, can be awarded a grant for a Demonstration Project ranging from SEK 500,000 to 1,800,000.

Application process

To apply for a Planning Grant, the Applicant (the organisation outside the selected country) must already have signed a partnership agreement with a legally registered organisation in one of the 11 selected countries. All types of organisations are welcome to apply, including for-profit and not-for-profit organisations, foundations and academic institutions. SMEs are encouraged to apply in particular.

For planning grants, you use one application form (Application for Planning Grants

Deadline: 18 March 2016.

For demonstration projects, the application is in two steps.

  • First, you submit a concept note (deadline: 19 February 2016).                                  
  • Successful applicants will then be invited to submit a full application (deadline: 18 March 2016). For your application to be considered, it must be complete. It must include all the required enclosures, and it must be signed authorised signatories (see appendices 1 and 2 in attached ). Instruction on how to prepare an Application for Demonstration Projects is here.

All documentation submitted must be in English. If any of your enclosures are in your local language, you must attach an English translation of these. Before you apply, please read carefully the General Terms and Conditions for Demonstration Project and Planning Grants for more details about the programme’s rules, available for download from the website.

Before applying, please read the Information for Applicants, the General conditions for Demonstration Project and Planning Grants for further details on programme rules and conditions.

Please find all the applications and required documentation  or on the website

Signing and submission of your application

Your application must be signed by authorised signatories of both partners and the Applicant’s project manager. Send the signed application form (original) by regular mail to Tillväxtverket [email protected]. Also send a copy of your signed application form electronically to [email protected] The submission date for your application is the date the electronic copy was submitted, provided the original form actually reaches Tillväxtverket.

For further information see the website 


  • Tillväxtverket (Sida)
  • Nadja Berger
  • [email protected]
  • Tel: 08-681 6572


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